Professional Custom Accounting: Explain the function of the complement system and do some research to investigate how the HIV virus turns the complement system against the human body.

Professional Custom Accounting: Explain the function of the complement system and do some research to investigate how the HIV virus turns the complement system against the human body.

  1. Discuss the function of HIV protease, integrase, and reverse transcriptase.
  2. Identify the characteristics of HIV which account for its transmission.  Include the basic epidemiology of this virus and its method of transfer.
  3. Discuss the normal function of B-lymphocytes, killer T-lymphocytes, helper T-lymphocytes, and macrophages in the immune system. Explain how HIV affects these components of a healthy immune system.
  4. Explain the function of the complement system and do some research to investigate how the HIV virus turns the complement system against the human body.  How has this led to new treatments against this disease?
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