Professional Custom Accounting: Examine in detail the four phases of either PRECEDE or PROCEED.

Professional Custom Accounting: Examine in detail the four phases of either PRECEDE or PROCEED.

  • Explain the PRECEDE-PROCEED model including how it can be used as a major conceptual framework for a public program and how the constructs can be used in the evaluation process.
  • Differentiate between the two abbreviations of PRECEDE-PROCEED model.
  • Examine in detail the four phases of either PRECEDE or PROCEED.
  • Explain how the phases of the selected part of the model can be applied to develop a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.
  • Responses demonstrated an in-depth research and analysis.
  • Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning
  • Commented on the postings of at least two peers.
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