Professional Custom Accounting: Discuss the importance of each artist, of the particular work of art, the subject matter, the symbolism, its meaning, and the artist’s intentions.

Professional Custom Accounting: Discuss the importance of each artist, of the particular work of art, the subject matter, the symbolism, its meaning, and the artist’s intentions.

• Compare Krzysztof Wodiczko “Hirshhorn Museum, Wash. D.C. 1988” with Christo and Jeanne Claude’s “Running Fence, Sonoma/Marin County1972-76.”

Collaborative relations between artists and audience have become familiar artistic practices in producing a work of public art. Compare and contrast these two works noting significant similarities or differences in subject or site as well as any factors that explain the artists’ preferences (influences in the art world or encounter with the larger culture/s, politics, history, and/or society of the particular era or region from which it was produced).

Krzysztof Wodiczko: Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D.C., 1988

Christo and Jeanne Claude: Running Fence, Sonoma/Marin County-1972-76

PART II PART II: (Write at the beginning of your essay each artist’s name, title of work, materials, date and style. )

Compare and contrast Clark’s “Six Sensorial Masks,” 1967 with Hamilton’s “Malediction,” 1991. • Discuss the importance of each artist, of the particular work of art, the subject matter, the symbolism, its meaning, and the artist’s intentions.

• You would want to compare and contrast significant features relating to subject and style, making sure to note any factors that explain the artists’ preferences (influences in the art world or encounter with the larger culture/s, personal experiences or background)

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