Professional Custom Accounting: Differences between therapy group and self-help groups

Professional Custom Accounting: Differences between therapy group and self-help groups

Group therapy represents a large portion of treatment opportunities for clients battling substance use disorders. Groups are an important part of treatment, allowing clients to feel as though they are not alone in facing a problem and that other people have faced similar problems and overcome them successfully.

This particular assignment consists of two parts. For this assignment, assume that you have been working as an individual counselor at a substance abuse treatment center for some time now. Your supervisor has asked you to create a therapy group for a handful of the substance abuse clients that you and the other counselors work with. In order to identify the appropriate clients that can be placed in your group, your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report outlining the important points of the group you are forming:

Part I

Prepare a 1–2-page report detailing the following items in your group design:

  • Goal(s) of group
  • Group norms (such as attendance requirements, privacy, confidentiality, relationships with group members, etc.)
  • Differences between therapy group and self-help groups
  • Procedure for dealing with disruptive and/or resistant clients
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