Professional Custom Accounting: Describe your search for information about transitional services.

Professional Custom Accounting: Describe your search for information about transitional services.

  • Analyze the services a person with exceptionalities might require as he or she transitions through adolescence to adulthood.
  • Evaluate the transitional services available for your state. Be sure to list the Web sites and names of the agencies providing these services.
    • Compare these to the services you listed as being desirable for a person with exceptionalities transitioning to adulthood.
    • Present an evaluation of the level of services available.
  • Describe your search for information about transitional services.
    • What kinds of difficulties did you encounter in locating the information you needed, if any?
    • What sources did you use?
    • How did you go about finding information?
  • Provide your recommendations for locating services needed for people with disabilities as they transition into adulthood and addressing the challenges associated with gathering information.

Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Be sure to include separate title and reference pages.

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