Professional Custom Accounting: Describe how the theory of plate tectonics explains major aspects of the world

Professional Custom Accounting: Describe how the theory of plate tectonics explains major aspects of the world

Pick two essays from this list. I’m looking for a couple of paragraphs of detail. 10 pts each, 20% of test.

1 Which one of the five principles of relative time we discussed do you consider most useful, and why? Give examples of how geologists might use this principle.

2 Describe the 3 major problems the city of Fremont, California, faces following a Hayward fault earthquake.

3 How do geologists use the concept of a terrane to understand the complexity of rocks, especially in places such as California?

4 Explain how the concept of paleomagnetism, and especially inclination, helped geologists understand the truth about plate tectonics?

5 Describe how the theory of plate tectonics explains major aspects of the world, such as trenches, mid-ocean ridges, terranes, and locations of volcanoes and earthquakes.

6 What do you think would be the most important thing people can do to prepare for a coming San Francisco Bay Area quake, and why is it so important?

7 Compare and contrast uniformitarianism versus catastrophism as ways geologists think about the world.


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