Professional Custom Accounting: Compare and contrast the principles of relative time with how we determine the ages of rocks using radiometric dating

Professional Custom Accounting: Compare and contrast the principles of relative time with how we determine the ages of rocks using radiometric dating

1 You happen to have a time machine. Of course you go back in time and meet a young Alfred Wegener. He’s pretty surprised to hear that his continental drift idea will eventually be accepted by everyone. What can you discuss with him about his evidence—what did he come up with? What parts did he get right? What parts were problematic? Then explain to him all the evidence that came after his death and how he could have used this to support his claims. In other words, in this essay I want you to detail Wegener’s evidence and the evidence that came after his time.

2 Earthquakes are a big problem in the San Francisco Bay Area. Why? What faults are most problematic here? What major earthquake effects do we expect to have in the Bay Area? What areas will be most affected by these earthquake effects and why?

3 Compare and contrast the principles of relative time with how we determine the ages of rocks using radiometric dating, and explain how we use both relative and radiometric dating in determining geologic time.

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