Professional Custom Accounting: Analyze the potential ethical dilemmas involved in the use of genetic and reproductive sciences.

Professional Custom Accounting: Analyze the potential ethical dilemmas involved in the use of genetic and reproductive sciences.

The Impact of Reproductive and Genetic Technology

To complete this assignment, refer to the Making Better Babies: Genetics and Reproduction video, linked in the Resources. This video examines the ethical concerns generated by the emergence of technologies in prenatal testing and genetics, including potential issues such as cloning.

Based on this video, and on what you have learned through this course thus far, write a paper that analyzes whether the government should place limits on the uses of genetic and reproductive sciences, or if doctors and parents should be able to use these technologies as they see fit.

In your assignment, address the following:

  • Analyze the benefits and limitations of genetic and reproductive sciences for individuals, families, and society.
  • Analyze the potential ethical dilemmas involved in the use of genetic and reproductive sciences.
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