Professional Accounting Papers-Critique how a mature Fortune corporation that is headquartered in New England has adopted entrepreneurial business and marketing practices, what they are hoping to accomplish, and how doing so has repositioned their brand in today’s innovation economy

Professional Accounting Papers-Critique how a mature Fortune corporation that is headquartered in New England has adopted entrepreneurial business and marketing practices, what they are hoping to accomplish, and how doing so has repositioned their brand in today’s innovation economy

ENTREPRENEURIAL MARKETING | ENT 380 | SPRING 2018 CMO 1-3 Assignment Modules | Posted Jan. 2018 | p.5of 8 that this executive inspires the workforce to feel empowered or to be inspired? As the CMO, what you do anything differently, if anything? 3. Business + Marketing Reengineering: Has the company restructured in order to be more streamlined or less hierarchical, changed its customer product direction, revamped customer-facing communications or improved its speed-to-market product R&D? Briefly bullet three (3) ways the company claims new agility to achieve sustainable growth. Perhaps it has a ‘hot’ new division, R&D lab, partnership with a university, claims an innovation center, implements workforce development, embraced social media, made strategic acquisitions or has rebranded altogether. Be sure to include what is intended by these actions. 4. Employer Appeal: Comment on two (2) ways that this company’s current story appeals to you as a prospective employee, or did not. Did anything you learned surprise or intrigue you? Consider in your analysis the corporate culture, diversity, company values, ability to innovate and the presence of a social impact commitment—any criterion important for them to hire you and for you to want to work there. 5. Customer Experience (UX): Name two (2) ways that the company had tried to redefine its customer experience in order to build and reward loyalty. Has it successfully reinvented its B2B/C product or service delivery, diversified into promising market sectors or otherwise changed the customer’s experience? Does the company utilize a means of listening to customers?

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