prepare a one (1) page document consisting of written feedback that will be shared with your team during our Week 7 class session on motivation and feedback. This feedback should describe and analyze in bullet-point form the following items. For full credit, your responses should be full sentences that reflect a good deal of thought and effort

please individually prepare a one (1) page document consisting of written feedback that will be shared with your team during our Week 7 class session on motivation and feedback. This feedback should describe and analyze in bullet-point form the following items. For full credit, your responses should be full sentences that reflect a good deal of thought and effort. Please bring a hard (paper) copy of your prepared feedback to class.

o  (a) 2-3 key observations that are positive and which should continue;

o  (b) 2-3 key observations that are negative and which should cease/be reduced going forward; and

o  (c) 2-3 key observations from previous meetings that reflect additional issues your team needs to address and which are not evident in the recorded meeting itself.

NFC is an American based amenity management company that offers various services to apartments hotels, spas, resort, etc. The company was created in 2006 and it started out as a small fitness and spa service provider. Over the years, NFC has managed to expand across the country, to the point where there are now 60 locations in over a dozen states and is ranked as the nation’s top amenity management corporation. The company has also managed to gain multiple partners and organizations to reinforce their own business, partners such as Sheraton, Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD, and 24 Hour Fitness. NFC has been associated with this particular company since 2013 and actually becomes an integral part of my team’s analysis of a company, in terms of securing a proper line of communication, in order to gain knowledge and data from the company. My team and I have managed to gain access to this company via a lifeguard who works at a NFC pool service department that is within a local 24 Hour Fitness in North Brunswick, New Jersey; hence the importance of the association with NFC amenity company, since through this partnership, we managed to make contact with this life guard at the fitness center. Now while this specific NFC pooling service is within North Brunswick, the company’s corporate office is actually in Asbury Park (501 Grand Ave Asbury Park NJ, to be exact) and his office is closely linked to the location we are analyzing; allowing our contact from the company to gain the necessary data needed for our research; most importantly the major output problem to the company.

What our contact managed to find while interacting with his superiors and his own contacts from the company’s corporate office were a number of issues that needed to be noted, as they all feed into one overarching problem; the location’s budget. While finding the information needed for this project by observing and asking fellow employees (lifeguards) and managers, our contact had found that this specific location had a limited amount of employees. There are over 200 individuals that work at this location, the employees are given shifts that require them to rotate after a certain amount of time and there are shifts of 2 or 3 employees that rotate at a time; so there is barely anyone there during regular hours. In addition to that, some employees have a tendency to miss shifts entirely, causing the managers of that area to call in other lifeguards that were not scheduled for that day to cover for that individual; to convince the other they are calling, the manager would pay them additional money. This unfortunately occurs too often at the location and has caused the company of about $60,000 decrease in revenue the past year, which has a negative impact on the budget on that particular location. While there are attempts to combat this issue by having a penalty against employees that are on their phones during an inspection, which ranges from $1,000-$2,000, the financial damage has already been done and the lack of accountability from some of the employees at this location has attributed to the issue; rendering the company unorganized and ultimately ineffective. A possible solution to this issue is for management to conduct exercises that would focus on the foundation of how these employees in question should function as a team, in the work environment; from establishing roles to each employee, (which would differ, depending on the shift these employees have) to norms and what should be accepted as normal behavior. Of course, my team and I will continue our research with this company and our contact in order to gather more data and better understand the inner-workings of the company. The contact information for the manager of our contact is listed down below if she ever needs to be reached

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