power quality solutions to mitigate frequent momentary interruptions and voltage sags at a small

Your project is to propose power quality solutions to mitigate frequent momentary interruptions and
voltage sags at a small manufacturing plant. The last 20 events (typical of all the events over the past
year) are shown below.
The facility experiencing the events has a total load (peak) of 2250 kVA. It is determined that 175 kVA of
the total load is “voltage sensitive” and is responsible for the perceived problems. The facility is served
through a 13.2 kV – 480 V service transformer rated at 2500 kVA.
Your team is to propose multiple solutions using a variety of technologies (see Team Member Assignments
section below), briefly describing each technology and how it will mitigate the problems being
experienced, and giving the advantages and disadvantages of each technology. A basic design of how the
technology will be implemented should be provided. An approximate cost and a recommended choice
should also be provided, so the customer can best select an appropriate design to mitigate the situation.
Your team will submit one copy of the final report (7 to 10 pages, including diagrams and any necessary
calculations) through Canvas by the due date. Each team member is to contribute to that report as
Team Member Assignments
Team Member 0 is the Team Leader. The Team Leader is responsible for compiling and submitting the
final report, as well as addressing ferroresonant transformers as a mitigation means.
Team Member 1 is responsible for addressing uninterruptable power supplies and fast transfer switches
as mitigation means.
Team Member 2 is responsible for addressing motor‐generator sets and flywheel systems as mitigation
Each method should be proposed in such a way that it mitigates each of the 20 events shown on the ITI
graph above.

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