Positive Psychology – Academic Essay 1500 word

Write an essay discussing the history and philosophy of happiness and the role of positive psychology in promoting happiness through counselling and/or coaching. The essay will include an overview of the concept of happiness, a discussion of the ways in which happiness can be measured and an analysis of the role of positive psychology in the promotion of happiness through counselling and / or coaching. Your essay needs to discuss the application of positive psychology techniques to the promotion of happiness. Evidence of familiarity with relevant literature and theory is required. Essay will need to address: - An overview of the concepts provided - Relevant discussion of the concepts involved - The role of positive psychology through counselling and/or coaching analysed - The application of positive psychology techniques discussed - Evidence of familiarity with relevant literature and theory - Main ideas clearly and logically presented - Relevant research and scholarship literature used appropriately to support claims - Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation Unit textbook Peterson, C. (2006). A primer in positive psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press

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