Policies and Laws Endorsed by the Progressives

Policies and Laws Endorsed by the Progressives 1. Which of the following was NOT a policy or law endorsed by the progressives? a. the popular election of U.S. senators b. the pure food and drug act c. the child labor act d. the workman’s compensation act e. the reconstruction finance corporation 2. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the great depression? a. unhealthy stock market speculation b. a slump in farm income throughout the 1920s c. a sudden cutback in federal spending on welfare programs d. the distribution of income 3. Which of the following did NOT support the anti-war movement in the 1960s? a. “hard hats” b. The New Left c. Civil rights leaders d. The counter-culture 4. World War II did NOT encourage: a. greater “freedom” for women b. more job opportunities for women c. greater spending power for the working and middle classes d. less resistance to racial integration 5. The collective security pact that the USA signed with its western European allies in 1949 required that every member: a. consider an attack on one as an attack on all b. refer all cases of armed aggression to the U.N. c. declare neutrality in case an allied state went to war d. submit all disputes with the USSR to arbitration e. none of the above 6. Which of the following was NOT among the legacies of the government-sponsored socioeconomic reforms of the early 1960s? a. a radical increase in federal spending b. a substantial decrease in poverty during that decade c. economic improvement in which blacks and whites shared in about the same proportion d. a national consensus on the need for more energetic federal efforts to solve social problems 7. With regards to the origins of the post-World War II conflict between the USA and the USSR, revisionist historians tend to blame: a. the USA b. the USSR c. Red China d. European colonialism e. None of the above 8. Which of the following did NOT occur in the 1950s? a. union membership declined b. unemployment remained low c. corporate profits declined d. industrial wages increased 9. Which of the following was NOT a major post-WWII issue between the US and the USSR? a. the division of Europe b. postwar economic aid c. the division of China into spheres of influence d. control of atomic weapons 10. Eisenhower’s defense policy was designed to avoid: a. increasing the power of the armed forces b. budgetary problems for the nation c. committing the US to the role of world policemen d. becoming involved in the internal affairs of other countries 11. Regarding the Cuban struggle for independence in the mid-1890s, Americans in general were: a. hostile towards the rebels b. sympathetic toward Spain c. completely indifferent d. convinced that Spanish rule in Cuba was cruel and arbitrary 12. During the 1920s, there was no dramatic increase in which of the following economic indicators: a. output per worker b. per capita income c. income taxes d. gross national product 13. As a result of World War I, the US: a. was left a united nation for the first time in generations b. was transformed from a debtor to a creditor nation c. renewed its commitment to progressivism in the post-war era d. faced greater problems in competing for foreign markets 14. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Great Depression? a. unhealthy stock market speculation b. a slump in farm income throughout the 1920s c. a sudden cutback in federal spending on welfare programs d. the distribution of income 15. Herbert Hoover believed in all of the following except: a. the role of the government in American society should be sharply limited b. American society should place primary emphasis on individualism, rather than collectivism c. Federal budgets should be balanced d. When the private sector failed to act, the government should take the lead in developing necessary social programs 16. After World War I, the US: a. lowered tariffs to encourage trade b. was the richest nation on earth c. championed collective security d. cancelled its allies’ war debts

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