Plants in the Modern World -BIOL 200

BIOL 200 Plants in the Modern World

Biology 200; Poulson Plants in the Modern World Writing Assignment Your assignment is to write a paper that is thoughtful, well-researched and well written paper in which you explore a botanical concept or process and review, analyze, and discuss how this concept or process relates to humans and real-world issues. Acceptable topics include sociological or economical aspects of botany (e.g. “How a plant pathogen enabled the Irish potato famine”) or a particular plant (e.g. “Palm trees, eco-tourism and the endangerment of orangutan habitat) or a plant product (e.g. “Wood, how it grows, and how paper changed literacy across the world) or a how a scientific method applied to agriculture has changed first-world agriculture (genetic engineering, for example). Other reasonable topics include global issues facing humanity such as deforestation or global climate change. Remember that your goal is to discuss how the process you choose connects to or has an effect on humans and/or real world issues. Choose a topic that interests you. Check with me before writing your paper to ensure that the topic you have chosen is satisfactory. You must write your paper yourself after reading background material that relates to the topic. You might also want to refer to sources to back up your conclusions or arguments. You MUST include at least four references that are peer-reviewed. References should be cited at the end of the paper. You may use the internet and sources on the internet that are peer-reviewed, but as you know, there is a lot on the internet that is simply someone’s opinion should not be used as reference material. We will complete a laboratory exercise on “Evaluating Your Sources” that will help you find useful sources. Please check with me if you need help in determining the credibility of your sources or in finding good sources. The library staff are also a great resource available to you. Your paper should be written and you references cited using any accepted scientific format. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the instructions provided by Mark Plonsky at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point ( You do not need to have the sections “Introduction, Methods, etc.” in your paper but you should use the citation and general writing style that is described in the Plonsky document. MLA is not a scientific format. APA and many other styles are. Your paper should be at least 1500 words. In addition to writing a paper, you will give a 5-7 minute presentation to the class in which you present your paper. The purpose of these presentations is to share your knowledge with the rest of the class. The presentation can be using powerpoint, presenting a poster, strictly verbal or anything that suits your needs. Points are awarded for your presentation and for showing respect for others during their presentations. In order to ensure that your paper is thoughtful, well-researched and well written you will be required to turn in several drafts of your paper. After each draft, your paper should be modified, based on feedback, prior to each submission to the instructor. I strongly suggest that you visit the CWU writing center (one or more times; more information at commons/university-writing-center) and use all resources available to you (such as having room mates and friends proof-read your paper) before turning in your work. Your paper submissions (all drafts) must be made through Canvas using Turnitin. This software will ensure that your writing is truly your own. You will be given many opportunities for discussion of your topic in class and feedback from the instructor throughout the quarter. If you have questions, ask.

Rubric for Plants in the Modern World Writing Assignment Poulson

Masterful (7-8 points)

Skilled (6-7 points)

Able (4-5 points)

Developing (2-3 points)

Novice (0-1 points)

Presentation of topic throughout paper

Topic presented in a creative, thoughtful way that incorporates student’s thinking

Topic presented in a creative, thoughtful way that somewhat incorporates student’s thinking

Topic presented in a creative, thoughtful way but does not incorporate student’s thinking

Topic presented in a somewhat creative, thoughtful way but does not incorporate student’s thinking

Topic not presented in a creative, thoughtful way and does not incorporates student’s thinking

Review of concept and background

Paper discusses a botanical concept or process and reviews the subject, giving a solid general background

Paper discusses a botanical concept or process and reviews the subject, but gives a weak background

Paper discusses a botanical concept or process but does not review the subject and gives a weak background

Paper partially discusses a botanical concept or process but shows weak understanding of the concept

Paper does not discuss a botanical concept or process nor does it review the subject or give a general background

Discussion of how concept relates to real- world issues

Paper analyzes, and discusses how the concept or process relates to humans and real- world issues

Paper analyzes, and discusses how the concept or process relates to humans but not real-world issues

Paper somewhat analyzes, and discusses how the concept or process relates to humans and real-world issues

Paper weakly analyzes, and discusses how the concept or process relates to humans and real-world issues

Paper does not analyze or discuss how the concept or process relates to humans and real- world issues

Length requirement

Paper meets page length requirement. Writing should be concise.

Paper meets page length requirement but writing is somewhat concise.

Paper nearly meets page length requirement but writing is not concise.

Paper does not meets page length requirement, writing is somewhat concise.

Paper does not meets page length requirement or writing is not at all concise.

Original work Note that knowingly submitting a paper with plagiarism is grounds for disciplinary action

Paper is student’s original work

Paper is student’s work but references are partially omitted

Paper is student’s work but references are omitted

Most of paper is student’s work small sections are plagiarized via “cut and paste” errors

Most of paper is student’s work significant sections are plagiarized via “cut and paste” errors

Conclusions made and synthesis of ideas

Writing draws reasonable conclusions based on synthesis of ideas and information

Writing draws somewhat reasonable conclusions based on synthesis of ideas and information

Writing draws somewhat reasonable conclusions but they are weakly based on synthesis of ideas and information

Writing draws few reasonable conclusions and weakly synthesizes ideas and information

Writing fails to draw reasonable conclusions based on synthesis of ideas and information

Sentence and paragraph structure

Ideas expressed in clear coherent and balanced sentences and paragraphs

Ideas expressed in clear but not and balanced sentences and paragraphs

Ideas expressed in somewhat clear and balanced sentences and paragraphs

Ideas expressed poorly with lack of clear coherent and balanced sentences and paragraphs

Ideas not expressed. Lack of clear coherent and balanced sentences and paragraphs

Use of reference materials

At least four appropriate, peer- reviewed reference materials used

At least three appropriate, peer- reviewed reference materials used

At least two appropriate, peer- reviewed reference materials used

At least one appropriate, peer- reviewed reference materials used

Appropriate, peer- reviewed reference materials not used

Citation Cited reference material properly (in text and in references section)

Reference material mostly cited properly (in text and in references section)

Reference material somewhat cited properly (in text and in references section)

Reference material somewhat not cited properly (in text and in references section)

References not cited or missing references section

Mechanics Proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure used

Grammar, spelling and sentence structure with 1 mistake

Grammar, spelling and sentence structure with 2-3 mistakes

Grammar, spelling and sentence structure used with 4 mistakes

Grammar, spelling and sentence structure with more than 4 mistakes

Total points

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