physical, mental, social, and emotional development and Effective parenting-Discuss various ways in which parents promote self-regulation within their children


1. The first five years of a child’s life are crucial to their physical, mental, social, and emotional development. Based on the reading, discuss what are the most important things (give us your top 3-5) for parents to do to promote healthy growth in all areas of a child’s development?

2. Discuss various ways can parents promote self-regulation within their children?

Effective parenting is essential to children’s growth and development. Parenting young children is a challenging and often isolating task, but good parenting is essential to the well-being of children. In this lesson, students will explore children’s growth, skillful parenting techniques, ways for parents to access needed support, and how to monitor and supervise media use for their school-age children.

Topics to be covered include:

· Techniques to help children aged 0- 5 years develop positive relationships with family and peers.

· Parenting techniques that help children aged 0-5 years learn to regulate their behavior and develop problem solving skills.

· Ways in which parents support children’s cognitive, physical, social-emotional and language development during the first five years of life.


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