persuasive essay-Should The Minimum Wage Be Raised From Its Current $7.25 Per Hour?

persuasive essay-?Should The Minimum Wage Be Raised From Its Current $7.25 Per Hour

1000 – 1200 words persuasive essay

  • Must include minimum of three sources with in-text citations
  • Microsoft word  document in APA format including Title page, Reference page And Abstract
  • Microsoft Word document

Please note the following:

  • All papers must be Microsoft Word documents.
  • The paper has a running head that is the title of your paper in ALL CAPS. It is accompanied by a page number. Use your header function to create this line. Do not type it as text in the actual text area for your writing. (See your help function for information on creating headers and section breaks.)
  • The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.
  • The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.
  • Paper should include title page, abstract and reference page.

I need an outline of this paper as well. The outline must include the introduction paragraph and conclusion. The thesis statement must be under lined in the introduction paragraph. I need the outline for the essay done by 1/27/18 by 12pm.  I will pay $30 for the outline and essay or best offer.

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