Philosophy of Leadership
600 Week 8 Assignment and Rubric
Length: Paper: 8 – 10 double-spaced pages (excluding title and references pages)
Due: Week 8 by Wednesday Midnight
Value: 250 Points for 25% of the grade
Post: Week 8 Assignments — Turnitin
Personal Philosophy of Leadership Paper Guidelines
Prepare and submit through turnitin an 8 – 10 page paper that includes your definition of
leadership, discusses three leadership theories that have influenced you, analyzes your
leadership style, examines followership, and reflects on insights gained. A well-constructed
paper will reference 6 or more scholarly sources including 5 journal articles such as those
assigned and retrieved from Brandman’s virtual library, and adhere to APA standards.
Leadership Definition
Provide your definition of leadership and what has influenced this definition. Your definition
must be original but supported by the work of others. Support your analysis with two (2) or more
scholarly sources including one (1) journal article.
Leadership Theories
Discuss three (3) major leadership theories that have most influenced your thinking on
leadership and leaders. In your leadership challenge paper, you discussed classical leadership
theories. In this paper, consider including the contemporary approaches of Authentic, Servant,
Adaptive and/or Transformational Leadership. Select at least two theories or models that you
haven’t already written about in week 5 for your final paper. Define and describe the
components of the selected theories using four (4) or more scholarly sources including three (3)
journal articles.
Leadership Style
Analyze your strengths and style(s) as a leader. Use three (3) or more assessments from the
Northouse text to assess your effectiveness in the leadership approaches as described in the
above section; and compare your qualities and characteristics to those of effective leaders.
Support your analysis with two (2) or more scholarly sources including one (1) journal article.
Discuss what effective followership is and why it is an important component of leadership. How
can you enhance your effectiveness as a follower and encourage it in others? Support your
analysis with one (1) or more scholarly sources.
Reflective Analysis
In two – three pages, reflect on three (3) key leadership lessons you have learned from this
course. What has influenced you the most and has been of the most value to you)? How has
your thinking and/or behavior changed to enhance your leadership practice? Describe two (2)
specific action you will take to enhance your leadership effectiveness.
Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging
25 – 23
Provides clear,
concise and original
22 – 20
Provides clear and
fairly original
19 – 18
Provides a definition
of leadership that
17 – 0
Limited if any clear
definition of
definition of
Describes influences
to this definition
forming the link to
coursework. Uses 2
or more scholarly
sources including 1
journal article.
definition of
Describes influences
to this definition but
may not link it
coursework. Uses 2
sources but 1 may
not be scholarly.
may not be original.
Describes 1 or more
influences but may
not link it to
coursework. May
use 1 source that
may not be
leadership. Does
not describe
influences linked to
coursework or use
sources to support
50 – 45
In-depth and
accurate discussion
of 3 major theories
philosophy. Fully
describes major
components of the
theories; references
scholarly sources by
the author(s) or
originators of 3
44 – 39
Accurately discusses
3 major theories
Describes most
components of each
theory; references
scholarly sources by
the author(s) or
originators of 2
38 – 33
Describes 2 – 3
major theories
philosophy. .
Describes some
components of the
Acknowledges the
author(s) of theories
but relies heavily on
secondary sources
such as Northouse
32 – 0
Describes in general
terms 0 – 2 major
theories influencing
philosophy. May rely
solely on secondary
sources such as
Northouse; may not
author(s) of theory.
Leadership Style 50 – 45
Fully analyzes
personal style of
leadership drawing
from 3 or more selfassessments
influential leadership
theories. Compares
style to leadership
theories; and the
qualities and
characteristics of
effective leaders.
Uses 2 scholarly
sources including 1
journal articles
44 – 39
Analyzes personal
style of leadership
drawing from 2 – 3
self-assessments of
influential leadership
theories. Compares
style to leadership
theories and the
qualities and
characteristics of
effective leaders.
Uses 2 sources
although 1 may not
be scholarly.
38 – 33
Somewhat analyzes
personal style of
leadership drawing
from 1 – 2 selfassessments;
assessments may
differ from influential
theories. Somewhat
compares style to
leadership theories,
and characteristics
of effective leaders.
Uses 1 – 2 sources
which may not be
32 – 0
Limited if any
discussion of
personal style of
leadership. May
draw from 0 – 2 selfassessments.
Limited if any
comparison of style
to leadership
theories and/or
characteristics of
effective leaders.
May not use sources
to support discussion
Followership 25 – 23
discusses effective
followership and why
it is important to the
study of leadership.
Draws from 1 or
more scholarly
22 – 20
Clearly discusses
effective followership
and why it is
important to the
study of leadership.
Draws from 1
scholarly source
19 – 18
Somewhat discusses
effective followership
but may not include
its importance to
leadership. Draws
from 1 source that
may not be
17 – 0
Limited if any
discussion of
effective followership
or its importance to
the study of
leadership. May not
use sources to
support discussion.
Reflective Analysis 50 – 45
Clearly and
concisely discusses
3 key leadership
lessons learned in
course. Describes
influences and what
has been of most
value. Clearly
identifies 2 specific
actions intended.
44 – 39
Clearly discusses 2 –
3 leadership lessons
learned in course.
Describes influences
and what has been
of most value.
Identifies 2 fairly
specific action
38 – 33
Discusses 1 – 2
leadership lessons
learned in course but
may not describe
influences and/or
what has been of
most value. Identifies
1 – 2 general action
32 – 0
Limited if any
reflective analysis.
Discusses 0 – 2
leadership lessons
learned but does not
describe influences
and/or what has
been of most value.
May not identifies
any action intended.
APA and Sources 20 – 19
Uses 6 or more
scholarly sources
including 5 journal
18 – 17
Uses 5 scholarly
sources including 4
journal articles. .
16 – 15
Uses 4 – 5 sources
including 3 – 4
journal articles. May
14 – 0
Uses 0 – 4 sources.
Limited adherence to
APA standards in the
articles. Accurately
uses headers and
adheres to APA
standards; reference
page and citations
are correct. All
sources listed in
References are cited
in paper
Uses headers and
adheres to APA
standards; reference
page and citations
are correct with
minor (1-3) errors. .
All sources listed in
References are cited
in paper
use headers and
somewhat adheres
to APA standards;
the work of others is
cited but with
numerous (4 – 10)
errors. Sources
listed in References
and citations may
not match
paper and Reference
page; work of others
may be cited but with
multiple (11+) errors.
Sources listed in
References and
citations do not
Writing Mechanics 30 – 27
The paper is logical
and well-written;
spelling, grammar
and punctuation are
accurate. Paper is
the required length
of 8 – 10 pages of
content, and
includes correctly
prepared title page.
26 – 23
The paper is logical
and well-written but
with minor (1 – 3)
errors in spelling,
grammar and/or
punctuation. The
content may be 5%
too long or short;
includes a correctly
prepared title page.
22 – 19
The paper is
somewhat logical
and well-written but
with several (4 – 10)
errors in spelling,
grammar and/or
punctuation. The
content may be 10%
too long or short,
and may not include
a correctly prepared
title page
18- 0
The paper lacks
clarity and may be
confusing; may
contain numerous
(11+) errors in
spelling, grammar
and/or punctuation.
The content may be
15% too long or
short, and may not
include a title page