personal orientation to conflict assignment

Answer the following questions using a minimum of two pages and maximum of 3 pages. Do not include the questions in your paper, but make sure to number each answer. Questions: 1. What kind of feedback have you received from others about how you tend to respond in conflict situations? If you haven’t received specific feedback, how do you see the way you respond to conflict affecting others or your relationship with others? 2. Do you ever react in a conflict in a way that was not planned or under your conscious control? Under what conditions does this tend to happen? Give an example. Did they help you grown as a person? If so, how? 3. In general, how do you assess your conflict management skills? What skills do you think you most need to develop in reacting to or dealing with conflict? Evaluation Criteria: The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria: • Thoughtful and concise analysis (points clear, thoughts connected, well organized, easy to follow) • Specific, with connections to behavior(s), attitude(s), thought(s) • All questions answered • Good grammar, composition, and spelling

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