personal experience and perspective on religion


    1. Compose a first person narrative discussing your personal experience (or lack thereof) with and perspective on religion to this point in your life and reflect on what you expect from this course. Some guiding questions:

    • Would you consider yourself to be a “religious” person? Why or why not?
      • What religion(s) are you personally most familiar with?
      • How is your involvement with religion today different from how it was when you were growing up?
    • What are your hopes and expectations for this course?
    • How might this course challenge you: intellectually, spiritually, academically or otherwise? How do you plan to address those challenges?

    Grading Criteria: 

    • Length: approximately 500 words (grade penalty for every 10% [50 words] below target).
    • Content  should give me a good overview of your experience with and perspective on religion – a good idea of where you are coming from.  Composition  will also count. Do not neglect to also discuss your hopes and expectations for the course.
    • Composition: demonstrate suitable college level writing skills (avoid errors in spelling, word usage, grammar, syntax, etc.)


    This is an exercise in “discovery” intended to expand your “global awareness” of a variety of religions.

    • You will also be introduced to several websites where information about various religions can be found.
    • Information filled in on this worksheet will also help you identify some places you might visit for your field research later in the semester.
    1. Download and save the  Download and save the Religion Basics worksheet  it is attached below.
    2. Fill in the blanks in the charts in the document by using the resources indicated on the worksheet.
    3. Answer the questions, locate the closest non-Christian religions, and add your reflections on the exercise on the worksheet.
    4. Be sure to re-save your worksheet with the additions you have made to it (and make sure you add your name to the top).
    5. After you have completed your worksheet, click the “submit” link above and attach your completed worksheet.


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