Periodic Reflections Assignment: ETT 553-Spring 2018

ETT 553 – Spring 2018


Periodic Reflections Assignment (75 pts)


You will have the opportunity to reflect on your personal learning process throughout this course and to provide feedback on the course structure. You will be expected to post three (3) reflections using the Assignments tool in Blackboard. These reflections will be viewed only 


Due Dates for Reflections:

Reflection 1 20st February 2018 by midnight
Reflection 2 3rd April 2018 by midnight
Reflection 3 1st  May 2018 by midnight



Personal Learning Process Reflections:

I have provided you with some stems that you might use to help you write your learning reflections

I never knew that…                                              I never realized that…

I never thought of…                                             I never expected…

I appreciate that…                                                I need to learn…

I have a better understanding of…   Implications of my learning…


Course Structure Feedback Reflections:

Below are some stems that might help you write your feedback reflections

I like…                                                                     I don’t like…

I have found it difficult to…                                I am overwhelmed by…

It is helpful that…                                                 It would be helpful if…


You are not limited to these stems, nor are you limited in your creativity to meet the assignment.


Periodic Reflections Rubric for each submission


Unacceptable Acceptable Target Exemplary
Below 70% 70%– 79% 80 – 89 % 90 – 100%
Reflection provides a limited description of change or growth in knowledge or understanding and no information about future individual growth. Reflection has limited information on course structure, and no suggestions for improvement. Reflection provides a description of change or growth in knowledge or understanding, with no information about future individual growth. Reflections has information on course structure, but not suggestive of ways to improve the course in the future. Reflection provides a description of change or growth in knowledge or understanding, with limited information for individual future growth. Reflection provides information on course structure that might be used to improve the course in the future. Reflection provides a description of change or growth in knowledge or understanding and identifies ideas or areas for future individual growth. Reflection provides descriptive information on course structure that can be used to improve the course in the future.


Reflection is one paragraph or less in length or is submitted after due date. Reflection is less than 1/2 page in length, but is submitted on due date. Reflection is at least 1 page in length and is submitted on due date. Reflection is more than 1 page in length and is submitted on due date.


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