Performance Evaluation-College/University/Graduate School paper Help

Performance Evaluation

As the VP of HR, you are providing Susan with feedback on these areas and suggesting ways to develop in the areas where she is not meeting expectations as outlined in the scenario. The performance appraisal directly ties to compensation increases. The appraisal should highlight achievements over the past year; while addressing expectations and setting goals moving forward.

The performance evaluation should address the following areas:
Professional Development
Job performance
Communication – internal and external
Professional Demeanor
Working relationships
Compensation recommendations

Explain how performance appraisals can be used as part of an employee development plan.

Explained why rankings are given to employees and the advantages and disadvantages of including rankings.  36     Addressed why organizations should deliver appraisals in a timely manner to employees.  28    Discussed the advantages and disadvantages of three different types of performance appraisals and made a recommendation of which type of performance appraisal is most appropriate for Susan.  48    Provided suggestions on how the manager can give feedback on a continual basis to the employee to encourage continual development.   32       Performance appraisal addresses: Professional development, job performance, communication, professional demeanor, working relationships and compensation recommendations.  60

Organization: Introduction, thesis, transitions, conclusion

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