Parenting and Family Issues and the Phenomenon of Mat Lajak-College Essay Writing Services Papers

Parenting and Family Issues and the Phenomenon of Mat Lajak-College Essay Writing Services Papers

Based on your reading on this issue, complete the following
1. What do you think are the major challenges faced by the family unit today in control
behaviour of their own children? Do you agree that parents and the family unit are major
contributing factors that lead to this phenomenon?
(30 marks)
2. If you are parents, how do you plan to deal with this issue? Imagine you as the parents who
dominantly practice following styles of parenting:
(a) Authoritarian
(b) Authoritative
(c) Permissive
(d) Neglective
(40 marks)
Give your comment and justification on this statement.
(30 marks)
(Complete all tasks in essay form. Make sure your body of answers contains a proper
introduction and a conclusion)

Phenomenon of Mat Lajak – referring to teenagers who ride modified bicycles and perform
menacing stunts on public roads (Article 1 and Article 2) has plagued our local neighbourhood
nowadays. These youngsters are not only endangering others, but themselves as well. The two
articles have pointed that the parents as a unit in the family system should be held responsible to
allow this phenomenon to go wild.

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