Paper Editing-Discuss different policing eras in the U.S., recording changes that occurred during each era including but not limited to: Early American Policing, Posse Comitatus Act, adoption of the bureaucratic model, police accreditation, up to and including the Community Policing Era

Paper Editing-Discuss different policing eras in the U.S., recording changes that occurred during each era including but not limited to: Early American Policing, Posse Comitatus Act, adoption of the bureaucratic model, police accreditation, up to and including the Community Policing Era

Discuss different policing eras in the U.S., recording changes that occurred during each era including but not limited to:

Early American Policing, Posse Comitatus Act, adoption of the bureaucratic model, police accreditation, up to and including the Community Policing Era

Read your assigned chapters and discuss the realities of the CSI effect. Does the research support that this is a real phenomenon? Do you agree? What can be done to address this “bias?”

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