Paper Analysis and Assessment Homework help-Derrida, “Wears and Tears” (Hayden, 258-267)

Paper Analysis and Assessment Homework help-Derrida, “Wears and Tears” (Hayden, 258-267)

Assigned reading

Hayden, ed., The Philosophy of Human Rights (Paragon House, 2001)

Derrida, “Wears and Tears” (Hayden, 258-267)


  1. Papers should by typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times Roman type, and in 3-4 pages in length.


  1. Your name, course number, the assignment and date should be printed in the upper left-hand corner. Do not use running headers or cover/title pages.


  1. Papers should include citations to authorities to support your position (bibliographies only if you use outside sources). If you are using an assigned reading (the above reading is the assigned reading), a simple short-form citation to the author of the essay (rather than the editor of the volume) and page number is adequate (e.g. “Author 340” or “Author, in Editor 239,” not “Editor 239”). For outside sources, a full reference (including author, full title, year, publication details and/or full website address) is required to allow another person to easily locate the source. University of Wisconsin’s Writing Center has an online style guide at It does not matter which style you use – just be consistent, provide citations, and, if using non-assigned sources, a complete reference list.


  1. Papers that merely summarize the readings will receive no higher than an “average” grade. I am looking for your analysis and assessment, using the cases and readings as support for your own position.


  1. Each essay should be introduced with a thesis or topic sentence, which is a clear summary of the position taken in the main body (e.g. “X’s position on the issue of abortion is problematic for the reasons I will specify in the main part of this paper,” or, “In this paper, I will show that A’s position is stronger than B’s for a number of reasons”).


  1. Papers should follow standard formats, with a thesis, complete sentences, organized paragraphs, introductory and summary paragraphs, and a clear overall organization.


  1. Papers will be evaluated on the basis of organization, clarity of presentation, coherence of argument or position taken, and thoughtful reflection and consideration of the arguments presented in the readings.


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