PAD 2016 Assignment 4: Literature review (relating to a proposal for a research or development project)

PAD 2016 Assignment 4:  Literature review (relating to a proposal for a research or development project)


This task requires you to review a minimum of 10 sources of information (eg. articles, books) related to a specific issue in your field of study (This can be the same issue as in Assignments 1 and 2).


The proposal can be either for a research project or an evaluation of a procedure or equipment (or of a new technology or software).


Proposal for a research project

Your introduction should describe what the proposal is about and provide a clear outline.

You should then critically summarise the sources and show how they are related to the project.  The review forms the rationale for your research.  Therefore, it should conclude by stating the gap in the literature and identify in more detail the area/s, which need further investigation.


Proposal evaluating a procedure, equipment, new technology or software

Your introduction should describe the procedure, equipment, new technology or software to be evaluated and a clear outline of the proposal. You could also include a statement explaining why the procedure/technology is significant. You should then critically evaluate the procedure/technology, for example by discussing its applications and implementation, costs/benefits etc and drawing on relevant articles and reports in the field. You should conclude by identifying potential areas of further development or research.


All sources of information should be suitably acknowledged in the body of the proposal and in the list of references.



Length:                                    2000- 2500 words


Mark allocation:                      40%


Due dates


ANNOTATED first draft:    Friday 13 October (Week 11)


Final draft                               Monday 30 October


Assessment Criteria for Assignment 4



Structure     ·         The introduction contains relevant background to the issue, a clear thesis statement (or rationale for the proposal) and an outline of the paper.

·         There are clear links between the major sections, between and within paragraphs.

·         Section headings are specific and appropriate.

·         The conclusion summarises the main points and highlights areas that need further research/investigation.

Content ·         Main arguments/claims are clearly developed.

·         Claims/arguments are supported by relevant research or reference to published reports.

·         There is evidence of critical engagement with the ideas and/or with the cited research.

·         There is evidence of synthesis of sources.

Vocabulary ·         There is a good range of vocabulary used.

·         The text is written in an academic register.

·         Vocabulary is used appropriately.

Grammar ·         The text is grammatically accurate.

·         There is a good range of sentence structures, including complex sentences where appropriate.

Referencing ·         A sufficient number of references are used (ie no over-reliance on one text).

·         Quotes, paraphrases and summaries of references are used appropriately.

·         References used are correctly acknowledged in the text.

·         References used are correctly set out in the list of references.



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