Outcome 2, Design and test software Microprocessors Assignment 2-Write my Paper

Design software: algorithms in the form of a structure chart … or in pseudo code (structured English UK)-Outcome 2, Design and test software Microprocessors Assignment 2-Write my Paper 


Write programs: for applications requiring interfacing to external devices (eg lights, switches, …  LCD and LED displays, …); use of assemblers and high-level language compilers (eg C,…)


Test software: suitable test data (eg inputs and expected outputs) should be prepared prior to running programs and results of the tests should be documented; use of software debugging tools [eg Integrated Development Environment, In-Circuit Emulation , simulators]


Task 2  (LO2, AC 2.2)

Read data from some switches, process it and display the results on LED and LCD screens.


Design a programme which will read a 3-bit binary number from the momentary contact switches on Port B of the circuit board, and then convert it into a denary number.


The programme must then illuminate the corresponding LED on port A. So, an input of 1002 will convert to 410 and illuminate the fourth LED from the right.


Show the incoming data and the calculated number on the LCD display, indicating which is which. The output must update indefinitely, repeating at a speed which is observable by the naked eye.


Until correctly terminated, the programme must continuously accept combinations of numbers, and instantly display the correct answer. It must terminate when the denary number is 7. (Criteria 2.1)


Prepare documents to show the chosen inputs and expected outcome for your programme, specifying what values each variable should hold at specific times. Test your software using FLOWCODE ONLY. Record the results and compare with your expectations. Modify your programme as necessary and test again until it performs properly.


When the software performs as expected, download it onto a PIC (micro) development board, and test it works. Record the results, and compare with your expectations. Modify your programme as necessary, download it and test again. (Criteria 2.2)

Task 1  (LO2,  AC 2.1)

Demonstrate skills using loops, counting, control of cursor, timing & delays, and handling text.


Design a programme which will display your name on the LCD Display, and cause the displayed name to exhibit some text effects (e.g. flash, oscillate, toggle lower/upper case, scroll across the screen). There needs to be at least two different effects, which change at different rates, so that many combinations are displayed.


The text effects must repeat indefinitely, repeating the same actions at a speed which is observable by the naked eye, but not more than 50 seconds to fully cycle..


Prepare documents to show the chosen inputs and expected outcome for your programme, specifying what values each variable should hold at specific times. Test your software using FLOWCODE ONLY. Record the results and compare with your expectations. Modify your programme as necessary and test again until it performs properly.


When the software performs as expected, download it onto a PIC (micro) development board, and test it works. Record the results, and compare with your expectations. Modify your programme as necessary, download it and test again. (Criteria 2.2)


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