Organizational Theory-What influence did Max Weber’s scientific management have on organizational theory, and how is his thinking still relevant and applicable in today’s management world? Provide at least one example.

 Organizational Theory-What influence did Max Weber’s scientific management have on organizational theory, and how is his thinking still relevant and applicable in today’s management world? Provide at least one example.

Minimum 3-page paper

Activity Details:

 Step 1: Read the following questions, and use what you have learned about the Organizational Theory to summarize your responses in a 3-page paper (APA formatting required):
a. What influence did Frederick Taylor’s scientific management have on organizational theory in comparison to the influence Max Weber’s scientific management had on organization theory?
b. Provide a description of both influences and discuss how both Taylor’s and Weber’s thinking is still relevant and applicable in today’s management world?
c. What influence did Max Weber’s scientific management have on organizational theory, and how is his thinking still relevant and applicable in today’s management world? Provide at least one example.

Step 2: Write a paper.

Objective: Examine and describe the concepts of Organizational Theory and scientific management.
Introduction: A working knowledge of organizational theory is a foundational element of a manager’s effectiveness in business. Organizational theory is the study of how organizations function and how they affect and are affected by the environment in which they operate. Organizational theories give us potential explanations for why and how people work together to effectively achieve organizational goals. Organizational theory can provide invaluable guidance on how to structure, run, and lead an organization. In this project, we examine the principles that underlie the design and operation of organizations to maintain and increase their effectiveness. This project will allow you to explore the foundational organizational theories and see how they evolved into modern managerial approaches.

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