Define the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach and discuss the importance of research in marketing-Explain how differentiation will help position the organization

The purpose of this assignment is to place students in the active role of a marketing manager with a problem threatening the organization’s survival. You will respond to a specific scenario that requires them to address the concepts both critically and creatively to solve the scenario’s dilemma.


You are the marketing manager for a local nonprofit charity whose funding is based on membership fees. You’ve noticed a severe drop in new memberships and a decline in repeat memberships, which is threatening your organization’s ability to survive and grow. You have decided to implement the Five-Step Marketing Research Process to help understand the problem and create solution strategies to implement.

Create a 10- to 20-slide

(not counting the cover slide and reference slide)  presentation with speaker’s notes on the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach detailing how you will use each step to solve the membership issue the local nonprofit charity is facing.

Address the following in your role as marketing manager:

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