Ocean Energy


It is an overview of a primary energy source, the full paper should include the following sections: Introduction; Basic physics of the energy source History State-of-the-art utilization methods of the energy source Socioeconomic impacts References (this list can be different from what you submitted in your earlier assignment) Guide your writing with your outline, and the comments you received on the outline. Sources referenced in the paper should be properly cited. The paper should be no less than 5 pages in length (12 pt, double-spacing, 1′ margins) excluding the list of references. The total number of figures and tables should be no more than 5. If images are obtained from online sources or references, they should also be cited in the list of references. Rubric: Depth and breadth of information regarding history and technologies (3 pts) Compliance to formatting guidelines (3 pts) Ability to analyze the primary energy sources from socioeconomic perspectives covered in lectures (3 pts) Use of language (e.g. free of typos, grammatical errors) (1 pt)



Write a short brief of what assignment you would choose to complete detailing why you would choose that assignment, what you did not like about the other assignment choices, and compare your choice to the preferences of your learning style. When students completed the VARK Questionnaire they were given their preferred learning style. Did what you learned in the VARK info go along with your choice of assignment? You are NOT required to complete the assignment that you preferred. You are only required to reference why you chose that version and what you didn’t like about the other 2 choices.

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