Nursing Assignment

Your assignment should include at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and provided materials.

In your workplace, what standards and outcome measures are utilized, give three examples.  Select at least one of these measures, and specifically identify how the data is collected. Then, describe how the findings are used to increase the quality outcomes. What comparable groups either internal or external are used for benchmarking performance in healthcare facilities? If an error is made in the healthcare workplace, how is the facility assessed for blame? What is the role of the nurse manager with regards to standards, outcomes, benchmarking, and errors?
You are a new nurse manager in an outpatient clinic and employee evaluations are due yearly.  Plan how you will proceed.
What components of the RN’s job should be evaluated?
What positive forces are present in an evaluation? What negative forces will you have to overcome?
What innovative or creative way would you attempt to provide direction or improvement? How would you terminate the session?
What is the responsibility of the employee?
Think back to the organization for which you have worked the longest. How many of Deming’s 14 principles for Total Quality Management are used in that organization? Do you believe some of the 14 principles are more important than others? Why or why not? Could an organization have a successful quality management program if only some of the principles are used? Describe a quality management project that you were involved in?

The first thing included in your paper after the title page is the actual title of the paper (centered by not bolded). Then you provide information to the reader about what the paper and purpose of the paper will be. You introduce the main topics that will be discussed.

Be sure to organize your paper.  Use of Level headings is an APA appropriate format.  Understand the use of the Level Headings.  Level 1 headings should be used for the main topics of your paper (the 3 bullet assignments) and Level 2 headings can be used for each of the questions we ask you in those main topics.

Level 1 HEADINGS ONLY should include content about the case study, problem, situation you are discussion.  Refrain from talking about an “assignment”.  Provide information the reader needs to know about the situation to follow your thoughts and message. You are guiding your reader.

Avoid using “According to” related to your research.  The more you use according to, the more you are using someone else’s words.  This paper is about your thoughts.  It is better to paraphrase then use a citation for your research.

Get comfortable using 3rd person when writing papers.  APA formatting includes 3rd person.  AVOID USING 1st person even when we ask you to reflect on your own experience. Finds ways to creatively write in 3rd person.    This is a Leadership class thus we want to display those leadership skills which includes writing scholarly with APA guidelines and formatting in place.



BOOK USED: Sullivan, E.J. (2013). Effective leadership and management in nursing. (8th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.  ISBN-13: 978-0-13-281454-6 (on-line version available).

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