Numerical Data-Violations of individual rights have been a major issue in today’s society. Numerous stakeholders are fighting for social justice of persons, as well as protection of their individual rights

Running head: Numerical Data

Numerical Data 2

Assignment: Numerical Data

Shameka Jester

February 18, 2018

Northcentral University

Violations of individual rights have been a major issue in today’s society. Numerous stakeholders are fighting for social justice of persons, as well as protection of their individual rights. A key and fundamental right that has increasingly been violated is right to privacy, especially in the wake of the rapid advancement in technology (Grumbling, 2016). Although legislation has been established to address the issue, numerous individuals continue to be victimized by violations of their privacy rights, through disclosure of private information to private companies and governmental agencies, including law enforcement and medical practitioners (Sullivan, 2014). This documentation provides details on a study that investigates the impact of disclosure of private information to private companies and governmental agencies as it relates to privacy threat. Comment by Melody Rawlings: For APA formatting, fully justified margins should not be used, but rather left justification.

Research Problem

There is a rapidly increasing rate of violation of individual privacy rights as a result of disclosure of personal information to private and governmental agencies, especially in the wake of the advancement in telecommunication technologies. This e study aims to answer the question regarding the impact of disclosure of private information to private and governmental agencies on the privacy rights violation threats (Eisenhauer, 2015). The increased technological advancements and integration of the society has led to increased information sharing, which further worsens the situation. Information that leaks to media platforms including news stations as well as social media platforms, may spread dramatically. This in return may lead to an increased threat of the violation of privacy. Comment by Melody Rawlings: This needs a supporting source.

The agencies and companies that access private information about individuals may disclose to third parties, including media, friends, and relatives, which increases threats to violation of individual rights to privacy (Walker, 2016). Individuals may be compelled to disclose private information regarding their health status, lifestyles, and mental abilities, among others, to such parties as employers, law enforcement agencies, researchers, and medical practitioners. Such information should be held in confidentiality in order to avoid violation of privacy rights (Bernal 2015). Disclosure of this information to third parties amounts to a considerable violation of privacy rights of the individuals.

As noted in my feedback last week, you will need to write a sentence or two for each study that:

i. briefly discusses the author(s)’ work, what they studied, and

ii. state their recommendation for further research about the problem

Also, briefly tell what will happen if the problem is not addressed.

Review the Problem Statement Template (required in the dissertation phase) and Help With the Problem Statement attached with the Welcome Letter in NCUOne.

Quantitative Methodology

The quantitative research methodology will enable the researcher to collect quantitative data, whose analysis will establish objective evidence to support the research findings. The methodology provides for application of structured data collection tools and instruments, which minimizes personal biases of the researcher in data collection. The minimum researcher biases in data collection, analysis, and interpretation enhances objectivity, which in turn improves credibility, reliability, and validity of the research results. The research method will enhance the objectivity of research findings, which will enable the researcher to advance the existing knowledge on the research topic. Comment by Melody Rawlings: Avoid anthropomorphisms. Anthropomorphism is defined as giving human characteristics to inanimate objects. Incorrect: The research study investigated: note studies should not have human qualities Correct: The researchers investigated xxxx. Please review the entire document for issues of anthropomorphism. See APA p. 69. See APA page 69, section 3.09 to learn more. Comment by Melody Rawlings: Minimizing researcher bias is not the only step needed to increase reliability and validity. What other steps can you take? Triangulation of the data is one way to increase reliability and validity. Other ways include randomly selecting participants, ensuring the results are transferrable, and having another qualified coder analyze the data. Also, having a large sample size.


The purpose of this quantitative study is to investigate the impact of information sharing and disclosure activities by private and governmental agencies on the violation of privacy rights of individuals. Private companies and governmental agencies access private information about individuals, which may lead to threats on violation of privacy rights if not managed effectively (Koltay, 2015). Although the issues has been addressed through legislation including Civil Rights Act, numerous individuals continue to face increased threats for violation of privacy rights, as a result of the information that private organizations and governmental agencies access and share with third parties (Downes, 2014).  A key instance involves information that individuals disclose to law enforcement agencies, including police officers, some of which may be disclosed to media platforms and other parties.

The study will establish advanced knowledge on the relationship between disclosure of private information by third parties and the level of threat to violation of privacy rights of individuals. The information will facilitate establishment of effective policies and strategies to protect the privacy rights of individuals. It will inform policy makers, law enforcement agencies, and individuals on how to better improve their privacy, especially in the wake of the advanced technological advancements (Grant, 2017). Consequently, the study is crucial in establishing the relationship between disclosure of information by private and governmental agencies and threats on violation of individual privacy rights, which will enforce decisions on improvement of strategies to enhance protection of privacy rights. As noted in my feedback last week, all of the required components in the purpose statement are not here. The Purpose Statement section should include a brief discussion of the following: method of Study, variables, specific Population, and setting .

Research Questions

The study will seek to answer three 3 questions, which will enable the researcher to address the research problem. The following research questions will be addressed in the study: Comment by Melody Rawlings: Spell numbers less than ten.

1. How does disclosure of private information to private and governmental agencies affect the level of threat to violation of individual privacy rights?

2. What is the relationship between leakages of private information to media platforms and the level of threat to violation of individual privacy rights?

3. What is the degree of disclosure of private information to third parties by private companies and governmental agencies?

Research Design

The research study will apply a quantitative data, which will be analyzed to answer the research questions. Quantitative research will enable the researcher to establish objective evidence to support the results of the study, which will in turn enhance objectivity, reliability, generalizability, and validity of the research results. The study will adopt a quantitative descriptive research design, which will provide an opportunity to establish empirical evidence on the relevance of disclosure of private information by private companies and governmental agencies on the level of privacy threat. The quantitative data that will be collected will be guided by the research questions (Boräng, 2014). Data collection will involve structured interviews and structured questionnaires. Comment by Melody Rawlings: You cannot apply a quantitative data. You can utilize a quantitative methodology to obtain data. Comment by Melody Rawlings: Again, quantitative data only is not what increases reliability, generalizability, and validity. Comment by Melody Rawlings: This is redundant; it has already been stated in the sentences above. Comment by Melody Rawlings: There is another author listed for this source on the references page. Both authors should have been listed in your in-text citation.

The data collection techniques and tools will enable the researcher to collect relevant data, which will answer the research questions. Structured interviews and structured questionnaires enable a researcher to reduce personal biases in the collection of data, which in turn enhances objectivity of research results. A quantitative approach research enables thea researcher to establish empirical evidence to support the research results, which in turn enhances credibility, reliability, and validity of research results. The study will apply strategic random sampling, in order to ensure perfect representation of the overall population. Comment by Melody Rawlings: This is also redundant – it has already been stated. Comment by Melody Rawlings: You need a supporting source to support your reasoning.

The analysis of the data collected will aim at answering the research questions. It will apply a spectrum of statistics, including measures of descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics will include measures of central tendency and measures of variance. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and regression analysis will be used to determine correlation between the predictor and dependent variables, including threat level and disclosure of private information. Additionally, t test will be used to determine the variance between the results between varying groups, in order to determine their relevance (Mrzel, 2017). ANOVA will also be used to determine the significance of the variance between the groups, in order to answer the study questions. Comment by Melody Rawlings: This is redundant and a forgone conclusion. Comment by Melody Rawlings: What are your variables? The dependent and independent variables should have been stated in the purpose section as well as here. Without knowing the variables, how can you know what statistical tests to run?


The study will be crucial in explaining the impact of disclosure of private information on the level of threat on violation of privacy rights of individuals. The rapid advancements in telecommunication technologies have led to a rise in violation of privacy rights of individuals, owing to disclosure of personal information by private companies and governmental organizations. The study establishes empirical evidence on the relationship between the level of privacy threat and disclosure of private information to governmental agencies and private information. The advancements of technologies in communication have led to rapid integration of the society, which has in turn led to a rise in privacy threat (Melanson, 2015).  The society should wake up to the potential threat to violation of one of the fundamental human rights, in order to protect the rule of law.

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