Non-profit Management 

Class Name: Nonprofit Management 

I have a Presentation


1: read the whole article clearly (Attached)

2: summarize the article to the most important points that the author talks about and be specific THEN

Do PowerPoint 7 Slides   No pictures

3: you MUST include in your summary slides head topics OF 5 things:

a) Introduction

b) Aim of paper

c) Literature Review

d) There are 2 Charts you should explain what each one MEANS

Explain them in numbered point too

E) Conclusion

Include Speakers note under each slide to explain the points 

4: you must write under each head: specific point that the author includes

You should cover the article keywords :

Philanthropy ???? Community ???? American Muslims ???? Identity

I am going to present the article in front the class so please be clear

And Use easy wording cause I am an international Student

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