News Journal

news Journals require you to relate current events to the topics covered within POS 2041, American National Government. For your first Journal please choose from one of the articles listed below.

McCain proposes $7.5 billion of new U.S. military funding for Asia-Pacific How Much Do States Rely on Federal Funding? Raising the Gas Tax Is No Longer Taboo In Many States California Engages World, and Fights Washington, on Climate Change As you review the articles you will find that some are fairly direct while other reveal the complexity of federal issues. Chose the article that you are most comfortable with and then fully address each of the following requirements:

Summary – Summarize in paragraph form the facts and issues presented in the article. Please document the source of your information with a parenthetical reference.


Analysis – Conclude with an analysis and reflection of the issue that includes reasoning related to concepts within POS 2041 an analysis of the article perspective. Does the article present the issue in a way that influences as well as informs. Lastly, include your own observations of the issue, the actions of those involved or an anticipated outcome related to your understanding of the concepts covered within the course. Please specifically identify each section by number and title.

Your essay should be between 300 and 500 words, double-spaced and in APA format, with parenthetical citations and a Reference List. A cover page is not necessary.

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