V 160 Spring 2018 Memo #1 

There will be time during Thursday’s class (February 8) for you to discuss and plan your work. If anyone is missing class on Thursday, they need to promptly catch up with their team outside of class, or write and submit one of the memos by themselves. 

TEAMS: Each Team does two memos.

All Team members contribute to writing and reviewing both memos and will review them for clarity and accuracy before submitting them. Each memo will be submitted electronically (there will be two different Canvas Assignments For Topic 1 and Topic 2. Only one Team member needs to submit a memo for the team)

Grading Criteria:
Clarity of Writing, Completeness, Accuracy, Use of Course Materials, Following Instructions, Using Your Own Words. Your Explanations Should Be in Full Sentences.

· 11 point font, Times New Roman

· 1 inch margins

· Maximum 1 page per topic

· Single spaced

Topic #1: National Debt

Imagine you have a Consulting Firm that advises governments on issues of budget deficits and debt.

You get a call from the new government of Pinkland, which is wondering whether it would be okay for them to increase their deficit. They don’t give you any more information than that, but they say they want you to tell them what the risksare, right there, on the phone, without really giving you time to look up information and data about that country. You ask to be given a little time to gather your thoughts and put together your talking points.

Given the situation, all you can do is telling them what factors/ questions are important to considerwhen assessing potential (low or high) risks of having greater deficits/debt.

So you make a numbered listthese factors/questions. Then, for each factor/ question you explain in detail why it is important to consider this factor or to ask this question (i.e. under which circumstances they may indicate a low or high risk of increasing the deficit/debt).

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