
Question 1 4 / 4 pts (TCO 1) Which of the following statements is true? If an action is legal, then it is moral. In order to determine whether an action is moral, one must look to the law. Morality is not necessarily the same as legality. An action cannot be moral and legal at the same time. Question 2 4 / 4 pts (TCO 2) Ethical relativism states which of the following? That the outcome of the actions determine whether or not they are moral. Actions are universally right or wrong. The morality of an action is related to the consequences. Moral values are determined by individuals or cultures. None of the above. Question 3 0 / 4 pts (TCOs 1 & 2) Which statement is an accurate reflection of utilitarianism? Utilitarianism is based on a belief that the individual is the most important. Utilitarianism requires one to examine the greatest balance of good over bad for everyone affected by an action. Utilitarianism and egoism are both concerned with only the individual. None of the above. Question 4 4 / 4 pts (TCO 1 & 2) If the result of an action is right, then a consequentialist would believe that the action was moral. that the action was immoral. that the individual can decide if the action was moral or immoral. that the action must be performed again. Question 5 0 / 4 pts (TCO 1 & 2) Nonconsequentialists believe that whether the action is right or wrong is determined by more than the results. According to them, what else can be examined to determine the morality of the action? The character of the act itself. Only the harmful effects of the act. The feelings of the individuals involved who were affected by the act. Only the benefits of the act. The overall results of the act. The short-term consequences of the act only. Question 6 5 / 10 pts (TCO 1 & 2) Cynthia has really been going through extreme financial difficulties. She is a single mother of three and lost her job about six months ago. She received an eviction notice last week stating that she had 30 days to pay her back rent or else she would be evicted. She has been desperately searching for a job, but has been unsuccessful. One day, Cynthia was talking with her friend, Janet, who works at a big-time Fortune 500 corporation. Janet just so happened to mention during the conversation that the vice president at her job was looking for an administrative assistant. Cynthia immediately became excited and asked Janet for her help in getting the position. Janet told Cynthia that the job is very stressful and requires a certain level of organization and skill. Janet then told her that she did not believe that Cynthia was qualified for the job. Cynthia did not care and begged her to let her use Janet as a reference. Janet refused. Cynthia applied for the position anyway and forged a reference letter signed by Janet. Although she was nervous about doing it, she had three children to support, no income, and she was desperate. She knew that if she had Janet as a reference, she would definitely get the position. Janet was out of the country on business-related matters for three weeks. Cynthia used that time to apply for the position and schedule an interview. Based almost entirely upon “Janet’s” glowing recommendation, Cynthia got the job. She was able to stop the upcoming eviction. Select a moral theory and explain whether Cynthia’s actions were right or wrong. In choosing a theory, be sure to include a definition and adequate information to support your answer.

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