Module C: Project Plan – Creating a Public Health Infographic


For this module on mass media and media advocacy, each group will be creating a public health infographic.  An infographic is a form of communication that consists of a visual presentation of data and information arranged in a “user-friendly” way.  Infographics are one of the more recent forms of public health communication.  For example, the American Public Health Association (APHA) is using them to support the mission of public health as well as provide info on health topics (  For your project, you will be creating one large/long infographic with several sections (blocks).  Each group member will create a block, and the group leader will assemble them into the final product.  Luckily, there are excellent, free, web-based tools for creating infographics, so please don’t be concerned if you feel that artistic expression is not one of your strengths.  The lecture and posted resources will also provide tips for using mass media in public health.


The group leader is to complete page 2-3 of the leadership plan before submitting to the instructor for review. All group members, including group leaders, will follow the instruction on pages 4 of the plan to complete the individual assignments.


The group leaders only will follow the instructions on page 5 to complete the final group assignment.


Please feel free to contact the instructor with questions.



Project Learning Objectives
·         Describe best practices for communicating prevention-focused public health messages through various mass media and electronic technology formats

·         Describe the potential influence of mass media and electronic technology prevention-focused approaches on cultural norms, individual attitudes, and health behaviors

·         Identify the strengths and weaknesses in existing mass media and electronic technology approaches to prevention-focused health communication










Group Leader Information


Personal Interests in Public Health:



Topic/Audience for Infographic
Topic Choices

Reducing the Effect of Stigma Regarding Mental Health Disorders  (Audience: Employers)

Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections (Audience: Non-Physician, Hospital-Based Health Care Professionals)


The group leader has selected the topic:


Plan for Achieving Final Project Goals (Leader should replace the below questions with responses to the questions)
–          How will the individual projects be assigned/determined?

–          How will the group discussion be facilitated?  (e.g. the group leader will propose specific questions, each group member will be assigned to review another member’s individual project, etc.)

–          If more information is needed on the topic, how will the work be divided? (e.g. each group member reads one of the additional posted resources, each member is responsible for answering a specific question, etc)

–          Are there any general guidelines or ground rules for discussion or participation?

–          And so on…


Creating Our Group Infographic
For this module, we will be using the Piktochart website to create an infographic!  To use the site, you need to create an account, but it’s free and only asks for your email address, a username, and a password.


As group leader, I will be assembling the actual final infographic, but you will each be creating one individual portion (block) of it.



The free theme that we will be using is:  select any free theme


Individual Assignments
Group leader should assign or make suggestions for which group member will focus on which section of the infographic.  (LEADERS: If there are only 3 members in your group, you only need to do #2 OR #3 from the list below.  All groups need to include sections #1 and #4 in their final infographic.)


1.       Definition/Description/Burden of Problem  – Group Member Name

2.       Important Lesser-Known Facts about Problem  – Group Member Name

3.       Common Misperceptions/Myths about Problem  – Group Member Name

4.       Public Health Recommendation for Action  – Group Member Name


Initial Brainstorming for Final Project Components (to be completed by group leaders before posting plan)
1.       What is the overall purpose of our infographic? What specifically are we trying to accomplish?
–          Include some bullet points here of the content you are thinking about including in this section

2.       What are some key characteristics of our selected audience?  Who are they and what do they care about?
–          Include some bullet points here of the content you are thinking about including in this section

3.       What would be our plan for disseminating the infographic to our intended audience?  How would we evaluate its success?
–          Include some bullet points here of the content you are thinking about including in this section

4.       In addition to disseminating your infographic, what other public health interventions would you include to meet the requirements for “Education for Behavior Change” as described in lecture C3?
–          Include some bullet points here of the content you are thinking about including in this section







Individual Assignment: Stakeholder Analysis – Required Components
The group leader will determine which group member will focus on which section of the infographic.  Each group member will respond to the prompts below AND their assigned content area questions in 2-4 pages, and create a DRAFT infographic block.  All the individual blocks will be combined into a final infographic by the group leader.


For Individual Assignments:

i.   Submit a 2-4 page Word document

a.        Answer the questions for your assigned content area (below).  Include specific data and sources!

b.       Indicate which pieces of information you collected are most important to include in the infographic given this audience and justify your decision.

ii.   Create a DRAFT of your individual infographic block (instructions below)


Content Areas

1.       Definition/Description/Burden of Problem

è  What is the problem?  Who and how many are affected?  What are some of the concerning consequences and outcomes from this problem? How does this problem affect the general public?

2.       Important Lesser-Known Facts about Problem

è  What are some important facts about this issue and its consequences that the general public doesn’t know, but should?  Why will providing these facts help them understand the problem?

3.       Common Misperceptions/Myths about Problem

è  What is a common misperception that the general public has about this topic?  What do the facts say?  Why is it important to correct this misperception?

4.       Public Health Recommendation for Action

è  What are some public health actions (think of the ecological approach) that can help with this problem?  What can public health practitioners do?  What can individuals in the target audience do?


Individual Assignment Guidelines
1.       Students are expected to use professional tone/language, as well as proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics

2.       Word document should be 2-4 pg (excluding reference list), double-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman font

3.       Submit as a Microsoft Word attachment on a new thread on the Group Discussion Board

4.       Include your name and your group number (e.g. C.1) at the top of the first page of your assignment and page numbers at the bottom, right-hand side of each page

5.       Paste the .jpg image of your infographic block into your discussion thread.  See instructions below for how to save your infographic block as a .jpg

6.       All major assertions must be supported with citations in APA format and an APA-formatted reference list should accompany the assignment.

7.       Include your last name and individual project content area in the subject of your discussion thread

8.       Please ensure that you turn your project and infographic in to the Module C Individual Assignment Dropbox.

9.       Non-leader group members will be graded on: individual assignment, participation in discussion boards, contributions to group process (NOT graded on final project).





Final Project – Required Components (to be addressed by the group leader ONLY in the final project)
Executive Summary

·         Summarize your final project in 1 page, focusing on the most important things you would want a reader to pay attention to.


·         What is the overall purpose of your infographic?  What specifically are you trying to accomplish?

·         What are some key characteristics of your selected audience?  Who are they and what do they value/care about?

Infographic Dissemination

·         What would be your plan for disseminating the infographic and how would you evaluate its success?

·         What are some specific steps you would take to move forward with implementing your plan?

Education for Behavior Change

·         In addition to disseminating your infographic, what other public health interventions would you want to include to meet the requirements for “Education for Behavior Change” as described in lecture C3?

·         Why do you think these methods would be effective?

Your group infographic! [See the “Assembling Your Infographic handout for details]

·         Please include your infographic as an appendix, after your reference page

Note: For this final project, you do NOT combine all of your group member’s papers and submit them


Final Project Guidelines (for group leaders)
1.    Students are expected to use professional tone/language, as well as proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics

2.    All major assertions must be supported with citations in APA format.  ALL references from the individual and final project components should be combined into one list in the final project

3.    Submit as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment to a new thread on the Overall Discussion Board

4.    Include a cover page with:

a.     Title of project

b.    Selected topic

c.     Module and group number (e.g. Group C.1)

d.    Group leader name

e.    Group member names

5.    The first page of your assignment (after the cover page), should be an Executive Summary of the project.  Please see the resources in the Group Projects folder on the main course content page of Blackboard for more information about writing Executive Summaries.  You should copy and paste your Executive Summary in your discussion thread when you post your completed project on the Overall Discussion Board.

6.    Include your group number at the top, right-hand side of each page (after the cover page)

7.    Include page numbers at the bottom, right-hand side of each page (after the cover page)

8.    Should be 5-10 pages (excluding references), double-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman font, with the final infographic as an appendix after your reference list.  Please see sample final project in the Group Projects folder on Blackboard.


Group leaders will be graded on: leadership plan, facilitation of discussion and group process, final project  (the group leader will also receive separate scores for the individual components)


If you have additional questions, please see the “Group Work Trouble-Shooting” document on Blackboard or contact the instructor.


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