MN504 Unit Name: Networked Application Management

Unit Code: MN504 Unit Name: Networked Application Management Page#3 of 4

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester 2, 2017
Unit Code MN504
Unit Title Networked Application Management
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Critical Analysis and Problem Solving in Networked Application Management
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills of analysing critically, and problem solving in regard to Networked Application Management (NAM). Students will be able to complete the following ULOs:

c. Compare various technologies and techniques for networked application management, deployment and performance tuning

d. Analyse and justify the use of important networked application architectures and technologies.

f. Analyse performance and deployment issues for networked applications

g. Choose appropriate industry tools and techniques to manage networked applications

Weight 20%
Total Marks 50
Word limit 1500 – 2000
Due Date 26/09/2017 11:55PM
Submission Guidelines · All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page.

· The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.

· Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

Extension · If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School’s Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:  mit/institute  publications/policies  procedures  and  guidelines/special considerationdeferment

Academic Misconduct · Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: . For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.

Assignment Description

A group (not more than two members) will be given a topic to explore its designated areas as presented in the following table; students are advised to explore the topic area(s) by reviewing the literature; students participating in the PBL are taught how to do the critical thinking for review literature; and literature is available in the internet as papers, book chapters, and independent scholarly reports by experts, and research based videos. A group of two students will collaborate on the areas of a topic, there must have clear descriptions of individual contribution and collaborative contribution. The topic will be assigned by the tutor.

Sno Topic Area to be explored
1 Elastic Caching

over Typical Web


And Web Proxy


Explore by reviewing Typical Web Caching Techniques and Technologies and their strength and weakness?

Find a problem case study in the topic, and apply your critical thinking on the Architecture Style, Protocols, and underlying infrastructure and configuration for Networked Application Management (NAM) in regards to Elastic Caching over Typical Web Caching and Web Proxy Caching. Comparative tabular representation of Elastic Caching over Typical Web Caching and Web Proxy Caching. Identify and suggest Application for the given case study considering the factors mentioned above and user centric design.

2 Remote Desktop


Explore by reviewing the underlying mechanism, middleware, protocols, and flow chart based software interaction processes for accessing remote desktop and resources in a networked computer;

Find a problem case study in the topic along the area of trouble shooting a remote computer or remote-tutor-assisted teaching-learning, and apply your critical thinking to solve the problem with your deep learning on the above areas. Identify and suggest Application for the given case study considering the factors mentioned above and user centric design.

3 Streaming

Live and interactive

Audio and


Explore by reviewing the underlying mechanism, middleware, protocols of streaming live Audio and Video in distributed Cloud Environment. One example of such networked application management tool for live audio and video is CloudFront; critically list the others tools, techniques, protocols with comparative discussions for solving diverse requirements. What are the Metrics that are related to performance of audio and video transfer and sharing? Find a problem case study in the topic, and apply your critical thinking to solve the problem with your deep learning on the above areas. Identify and suggest Application for the given case study considering the factors mentioned above and user centric design.
4 Virtualization

With respect to


Explore by reviewing Virtualisation, Virtual Machines, and Architecture of

Virtual Machines along with protocols, techniques, and frameworks for

networked applications management. Find a problem case study in the topic, and apply your critical thinking to solve the problem with your deep learning on the above areas. Identify and suggest Application for the given case study considering the factors mentioned above and user centric design.

Marking criteria:

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks
Introduction Introduction of assigned topic 5
Literature Review Literature review of the assigned topic (At least 3 articles) 10
Analyse Critically Analyse critically the Networked Application Management topic assigned 10
Case Study Present a case study problem in the area of your topic 5
Propose a possible solution Propose a possible solution for the case study considering a user centric design approach.

Conclusion Draw a conclusion of the report 5
Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 5
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