MKTG6002 Marketing-Assessment 1: Research Case Study Report

Course Code and Title MKTG6002 Marketing
Assessment Assessment 1: Research Case Study Report
Individual/Group Group
Length Up to 3000 words (+-10% principle applies)
Learning Outcomes a)  Outline and implement the marketing research
process and identify a range of methods of
acquiring, using and storing data
b)  Critically evaluate the relation of marketing
process with the resources of an organisation and
client needs with regards to the creation of value
for the organisation
Submission Due 23:59 (AEST/AEDT) Sunday end of Module 3
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 40 marks





  • Provide a theoretical overview of marketing theory and practical application of innovative marketing strategies;


  • Build research methods relating to samples and inferences particularly in relation to market research data collection and analysis.


How the assessment fits into the subject/course:


Marketing in the 21st Century has drastically evolved and is a critical component of business administration. The design of Marketing plans is integral to business organisation and the assessment for this subject aims to provide students with group and individual work to apply effective marketing strategies.


Linkages between Assessments 1 and 2:


Assessment 1 requires students to create a case study and review marketing plans. Assessment 2 requires students to devise a marketing plan of products or services offered by their own organisation and to consider how the marketing plan will add value to their organisation.






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As a research task students will create a case study of a social enterprise and evaluate its marketing plan. Students will work in groups to explore how the social enterprise developed its market and engaged market appeal.



Definition: ‘Social enterprise’ (SE) refers to a business for a social purpose: Using a business strategy (marketing in our case) to achieve a social, cultural or environmental goal rather than for the economic benefit of shareholders or owners


SE may be returning all profits to the enterprise itself, or they may be returning profits to their cooperative owners, the community, or someone else


SE differ from a for-profit ‘business’, however. The social goal is the key for a social enterprise, with profit/nonprofit status being a secondary choice; profit status, however, is the key reason to exist for a traditional business.



Examples please see the link below:




The development of the case study must incorporate the following elements:

  • Give an overview of  a social enterprise of your choice


  • Identify and analyse the market for a particular service of product;

(Offered by this enterprise)


  • Explain and justify how the social enterprise was developed and for what market.

(Need some online or other type of intelligence on the firm)


  • Analyse the importance of creativity and initiative undertaken to develop a competitive social enterprise;
  • Your own creativity and application of theory


  • Critically assess and evaluate the Marketing Plan;

(Provide discussion of theory)


  • Evaluate impacts such as financial, social and political issue which may impact on marketing plan; (provide theory)



  • Identify and compare relevant market trends and analyse the implications of market and environmental trends

(in that industry. Apply theory and preferably academic work)

  • Apply the 4 P’s strategies and explain feasibility ensuring consistency with analysis of the market as well as providing recommendation for strategy

(theory on 4Ps first, latest developments of it and apply to the firm)



Output/Deliverable and parameters of the Assessment


One submission of a case study and review of a marketing plan consisting of 3000 words. Students may incorporate a range of mediums and formats in the case study e.g. Electronic tools and multi-media, etc.






  • An electronic library and reading guide is provided to all students including a range of e-textbooks and journals available through online journal databases including EBSCO.


  • Access to examples of case studies.






  • Identification and Analysis of Market


  • Application of knowledge to practise


  • Knowledge and skills demonstrating creativity and initiative


  • Assessment of Marketing Plan


  • Team Work skills



Learning Outcomes


  • Outline and implement the marketing research process and identify a range of methods of acquiring, using and storing data.


  • Critically evaluate the relationship of marketing process with the resources of an organisation and client needs with regards to the creation of value for the organisation.

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Brief criteria:

Identification and Analysis of Market (out of 25)

Application of knowledge to practise (out of 25)

The impact of the application of the marketing mix on consumer behaviour (out of 20)

The role of marketing in embedding principles of sustainability, ethics and social justice within an organisation (out of 20)

Team Work (that will include the presentation of paper, formatting, gramma, and style (out of 10)


Learning Rubrics


Assessment Attributes Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(Unacceptable) (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Identification and Does not adequately identify the market, Identifies the market Uses available data to Establishes, adjusts, Moves beyond basic
may produce a surface-based approach to within which firms validate the market and/or recommend requirements. Compares
Analysis of Market
analysing the market or have several glaring compete. Attempts to areas, market structural changes competing institutions by
omissions. provide analysis of that competitors, and product that will allow the the type of
25% market. matches (benchmarks). business to industry/institution,
Identify market trends effectively compete comparability of services,
Outline and through formal tools. within specific areas size, and business status
of social enterprise. (e.g. NGO).
implement the
marketing research
process and identify a
range of methods of
acquiring, using and
storing data.






















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Assessment Attributes Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(Unacceptable) (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Application of Shows limited understanding of the internal Understands the internal Understands the impact of Evaluates the impact Demonstrates cultural
knowledge to practice and external business environment. Lacks a and external business financial, social, political, of financial, social, sensitivity. Analyses the
global perspective and may use a limited environment including environmental issues on political, impact of financial, social,
25% range of information as the basis of commercial context and the business. environmental issues political, environmental
recommendations for practice. market forces. Demonstrates commercial on the business; and issues on the business;
Critically evaluate the Understands local and awareness of product where relevant, as and where relevant, as
relationship of global markets/trends. development/service they relate to they relate to different
marketing process Accesses relevant provision. Understands different countries countries where the
with the resources of information. Adequately the business. Can prepare where the business business may operate.
utilises information from a and presents business may operate. Critically demonstrates
an organisation and
variety of sources. cases/proposals. Demonstrates commercial awareness of
client needs with
Gathers/utilises commercial product
regards to the
competitor knowledge. awareness of product development/service
creation of value for
development/service provision and cost
the organisation. provision and cost relationships. Holistic
relationships. understanding of business
Understands the and its risks. Assesses the
business and its risks. impact of information and
Can prepare and communication systems
presents business on the operations of the
cases/proposals. business. Critical
understanding of the
global market
opportunities and
competitive environment.












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Assessment Attributes Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(Unacceptable) (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Knowledge and skills Limited understanding of required concepts Adequate Knowledge or Thorough knowledge or Highly developed Demonstrates a
demonstrating and knowledge. Key components of the understanding of the field understanding of the field understanding of the sophisticated
creativity and initiative assignment are not all addressed. or discipline. Key or discipline/s.  Supports field or discipline/s. understanding of the
components of the personal opinion and Discriminates field or discipline/s.
Critically evaluate the assignment are all information between assertion of Systematically and
impact of the addressed. Often substantiated by personal opinion and critically discriminates
application of the conflates/confuses evidence from the information between assertion of
marketing mix on assertion of personal research/course substantiated by personal opinion and
opinion with information materials. Explores the robust evidence information
consumer behaviour.
substantiated by evidence limits & strengths of from the substantiated by robust
from the research/course current knowledge. research/course evidence from the
20% materials. Demonstrates a capacity materials and research/course
to explain and apply extended reading. materials and extended
relevant concepts. Evaluates the limits reading.  Extends the
& strengths of limits & strengths of
current knowledge. current knowledge.
Well demonstrated Mastery of concepts and
capacity to explain application to new
and apply relevant situations/further
concepts. learning.

















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Assessment Attributes Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(Unacceptable) (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Assessment of Identifies unrelated market and Identifies relevant market Identifies and analyses the Identifies compares Identifies and compares
Marketing Plan environmental trends.  Incompletely and environmental trends. relevant market and and contrasts relevant market trends
identifies competitors or lacks full definition Identifies some direct and environmental trends. relevant market and and analyses the
20% of the 4P’s (product, price, place and indirect competitors. Identifies the appropriate environmental implications of market
promotion). Identifies and explains direct and indirect trends. Identifies the and environmental
some of the 4P’s of competitors. 4P’s fully direct and indirect trends. Identifies the
marketing.  4P’s strategies explained and supported competitors and major direct and indirect
Explore the role of are feasible and consistent by market analysis. conducts a competitors as well as
marketing in but are not supported by a competitive analysis conducts an analysis of
embedding principles market analysis. of some of them. competitor strengths and
of sustainability, 4P’s fully explained weaknesses with an eye
and supported by toward identifying a
ethics and social
market analysis. strategic opportunities.
justice within an
4P’s strategies are
feasible and consistent
and fully supported with
analysis of the market
and provide a
recommendation for
Team Work Does not participate effectively in a team Participates effectively in Contributes to small group Understands group Builds team’s identity and
environment. Places individual goals ahead teams. Identifies team discussions to reach dynamics and team commitment. Leads
10% of the group responsibility. Hinders the and individual goals, tasks, agreement on issues. roles. Facilitates teams. Evaluates teams’
group process and upsets the schedule. responsibilities and Works together with team development. outcomes. Implements
schedules. Contributes to others towards shared Renegotiates strategies for enhancing
group processes. Supports goals. Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks team effectiveness.
the team. responsibilities to meet and schedules to
needed change. meet needed






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