MK390/MK383 Marketing Across Cultures

MK390/MK383 Marketing Across Cultures



Individual Assignment 1



Subject specific learning outcomes:


  1. To identify and analyse the key drivers of culture and appreciate their importance when developing and implementing international marketing plans and strategies.


  1. To identify and analyse the key drivers of international expansion and the barriers that need to be overcome.


  1. To utilise appropriate market research, screening and selection methodologies to identify new export opportunities and develop effective and justifiable international marketing plans.


Cognitive learning outcomes:


  1. To apply sound written communication skills in presenting ideas and solutions to problems.


  1. To demonstrate the ability to identify and critique appropriate literature to support ideas.




Assignment overview and assessment:


The first assignment for this module is based on an individual report which is the preparation of an outline international marketing strategy/plan.


Individual Written Assignment 1 – 2500 words (accounting for 40% of the overall assessment of this module for MK390 students and 100% for MK383 students), to be submitted via Turnitin.


Hand out date: 6 October 2017


Submission deadline: Thursday 18 January, 2018


Marks and Feedback via Turnitin: Thursday, 15 February, 2018




Assignment Brief


Please read carefully and if you do not understand any aspect of the brief, ask one of the tutors.


In this first assignment you are expected to develop an international marketing strategy and plan for a domestically based company of your choice. We define a domestically based company as one which is located in the UK. If however you are a student whose usual country of residence is outside the UK, you may chose a local company from your home country should you prefer.


Your role is to act as a marketing consultant hired by the company to identify and select one new export market for the company to target based on your research and analysis.  You then need to advise them in a report on how they should put together their market entry strategy and adapt their marketing mix to exploit this opportunity.


The key tasks involved in developing your report are:


  1. To carry out careful research to identify a suitable company and product or service that you consider to have export potential.
  2. To initially research and assess four potential export markets and then select one key country/market to target first, giving the rationale for your choice. This rationale should be based on the analysis of as much relevant research information as possible. At a minimum, you should include PESTLE and demographic data, market and competitive data, market opportunities, and consideration of any possible barriers and hurdles the company will have to overcome. Note that this chosen market then becomes the focus for the rest of your report.
  3. To consider and recommend the most appropriate market entry mode for your chosen market, giving your reasons.
  4. To advise the company on what changes would be needed in the marketing mix to exploit the opportunity (for example, product and packaging adjustments, pricing/costing considerations, advertising and promotions)



Choice of company and product/service


You have a free choice of company and product or service from any consumer, business-to-business or service sector, although you are advised to consult one of the tutors before confirming your choice. You may find it easier to focus on local companies in Sussex or your home area, however you can choose a company from any region of the UK or from your home country if you are an international student.


The company may be small, medium or large, with all of its sales derived from the domestic market or at an early stage of developing its export business. If the company is already exporting then it should only be to one or two markets at the most and you should not select a market that they are already doing business with. When selecting a company you need to look at the width and depth of their product/service range. If it is too wide, you will need to focus on just a particular part of the range and if it is too deep, you will have to pick a particular category. If you have any doubts about the suitability of the company or its product/service offering, please consult the tutors.


Note that you should not choose the same company, product or service as any other student taking the module but should this occur by chance, it will be on a first come, first served basis.



Choice of export market/country


Your chosen export market/country can be anywhere in the world but not the UK, or your home country if you are an international student. Base your choice on your country screening research and analysis of the four countries but also consider the access to and availability of reliable local market information. You do not necessarily select the export market that is potentially the largest for the company.



Structure for the report


There is some flexibility for your report in terms of structure but a sample structure is shown below:


Title page – To be addressed to the company (as you are acting as a consultant) – Don’t forget to include your name!


Contents page


Introduction – Brief background to the company and product/service (e.g. any USP’s) and the export experience it has to date (where relevant).


Selection of market – detail on your criteria for selecting suitable target markets, consideration of ease of/barriers to entry and what four countries you have shortlisted.

Explanation of what country you have selected to target first and the rationale for this choice.

Detail about this market (such as PESTLE issues, market and competitor data, cultural differences etc.) and your suggested target market and positioning.


Choice of entry mode – Discussion and rationale on what market entry mode you propose (direct, distributor, franchise etc. and perhaps on the location if you have chosen a retail outlet) and how this entry mode should be pursued. Brief suggestions also on how the new market should be managed once the first business deal has been secured.


Adapting the marketing mix – Discussion on a) what changes you would suggest need to be made, and why, to the product/service (for example in terms of name, packaging, content, delivery etc.), b) what price(s) might be charged locally and what types of costs would need to be ascertained, and c) any initial ‘affordable’ promotional ideas for creating local awareness and interest.









Layout your work in report style and in good English. Fully check it before submission.


Keep to the word limit of 2500 (+ or – 10%). Consider using tables and bullet points in parts to save words and use the appendices wisely to provide relevant additional detail/analysis (for example of the three countries shortlisted but not to be initially targeted. Use images where appropriate.


The title page, contents page, reference list and any appendices do not count towards the word count but everything else does.


Reference your sources clearly. Remember that you should be demonstrating to us that you have read a good range of relevant literature (academic and industry), understood it, and appropriately applied it in your plan.


We are expecting you to not just describe your plan but also explain the thinking behind your proposals.




Assessment & marking criteria:


The marking grid below shows the allocation of marks to the different requirements of the assignment.


Marking Criteria


Proportion of Marks available


Use and understanding of relevant secondary data from a range of sources, appropriately referenced




Demonstration of understanding of international marketing strategic decisions and the process of identifying and selecting potential export markets  


Rationale for your choice of market entry strategy


Understanding of marketing mix considerations for international markets




Quality of written communication in terms of use of English, relevance, report structure and flow.  



Some sources of international trade and other statistics


Please also refer to the ASPIRE reading list on studentcentral for further sources of information on internationalisation, culture and international planning and strategy.




Good luck with assignment. There will be ample opportunity to discuss queries and progress with the tutors throughout the term




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