Behavioral Assessment

Type your name here

Capella University

Instructions : Just as Shindler (2010) recommends the importance of accountability and responsibility in learning, it is highly suggested that you complete all steps for your own growth and learning.

· Apply directions that follow each heading below. Do not change or delete any of the headings. Refer to the assignment instructions to determine the content to place under each heading.

· Have a peer provide feedback on your paper and complete the Peer-Feedback Form. You may ask a fellow learner or someone you work with to complete the form. Include the complete Peer-Feedback Form with this assignment.

· Carefully complete self-assessment requirements by following the steps in the Process of Self-Assessment section. The idea behind the use of the Self-Assessment of Competencies rubric is to assist you in critically analyzing your work and identifying assignment criteria that align to overall competency outcomes. Criteria for steps 3 and 4 will be key to completing assignment expectations.

· Delete these instructions and any references that do not apply to your assignment. Your assignment will be returned if the instructions are not deleted and/or references do not align with references in your assignment.

Behavior Assessment

1. Provide a detailed overview of a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment.

2. Identify the outcomes for the student’s behavior change, including the rationale for the change, the behavior goal, and the replacement behavior.

3. Develop intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior.


4. Results and Reflection

[You will not complete this part in Unit 8; in Unit 10, you will submit this as part of your Classroom Management Portfolio. After you collect data for a week on your change, return to your document and report your results and your reflection on the change here for submission later. Before you submit your course project, complete this final section by answering the following questions:]

Did your intervention help to change the behavior?

Was there a difference in its frequency or severity?

What data supports your assessment?

Instructions : These are examples and are formatted. Delete what you do not use and put your references in alphabetical order. Do not include references if you do not cite any in the body of your paper. Delete the reference page if you do not have any references. Delete these instructions before submission.


Author, A., Author, B. C. E., & Author, D. (2000). Title of chapter in a book. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Book title (pp. 00-00). City: Publisher.

Author, A., Author, B. C. E., & Author, D. (2000). Title of article. Name of Journal, 3(7), 00-00. Doi:xx.xxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx (for articles with DOI)

Author, A., Author, B. C. E., & Author, D. (2000). Title of article. Name of Journal, 3(7), 00-00. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx (for articles without DOI)

Peer-Feedback Form

Ask a fellow peer to provide feedback on what you have written. They should check off the box next to each question, and write a brief comment that will improve their work.

Peer reviewer: Date:

Trait on which to provide feedback Yes No Comments
Provides a detailed overview of a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment.
Identifies the outcomes for the student’s behavior change, including the rationale for the change, the behavior goal, and the replacement behavior.
Develops intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior.
Is critical thinking evident?
Is the writing clear and concise?
Do word usage errors occur?
Do grammatical errors occur?
Do mechanical error occur? (Punctuation, capitalization, et cetera).
Is APA 6th edition used correctly?

Rubric Instructions: Self-Assessment of Competencies

The idea behind rubrics is to assist you in critically analyzing your work and ability to meet competencies that are aligned to criteria on the rubrics. With self-assessment and reflection of the criteria on the rubric prior to submission, you will have a solid idea of your competency and quality of work. Regular use of self-assessment as a way to reflect will improve your writing and target assignments toward your instructor’s expectations.

You will use the same rubric that the instructor uses for each assignment. You will grade your own assignment using the rubric, as will your instructor. After submission, your instructor will compare the two rubrics. If they match, you will earn extra points. However, in the end, your instructor’s assessment will be the one that counts.

Process for Self-Assessment:

1. Think critically about your work before filling out the rubric. The rubrics must match to earn extra points. So, be honest in your appraisal of your work.

2. Use this assignment template and rubric. Upload to the appropriate assignment area.

3. Assess your assignment according to the rubric. Include comments that share how your assignment meets the level you chose along with evidence from your assignment. Boldface words, phrases, or parts in your assignment that you feel support your level choice and comments.

4. Refer to the boldface when you type your comments in the comments column. This becomes evidence of how you have demonstrated in your work the competency related to the chosen level.

5. Your instructor will assess using the same rubric; if the rubrics match, you will earn extra points.

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Comments
Provide a detailed overview of a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment. 30% Does not provide a detailed overview of a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment. Identifies a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment, but lacks adequate detail. Provide a detailed overview of a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment. Provides a detailed overview of a student’s current behavior that needs to be changed in order to improve the learning environment, including specific examples and quality details of the student’s current behavior.
Identify the outcomes for the student’s behavior change, including the rationale for the change, the behavior goal, and the replacement behavior.  30% Does not identify the outcomes for the student’s behavior change. Lists the outcomes for the student’s behavior change, but lacks adequate detail. Identifies the outcomes for the student’s behavior change, including the rationale for the change, the behavior goal, and the replacement behavior. Identifies the outcomes for the student’s behavior change, including the rationale for the change, the behavior goal, and the replacement behavior, including a rich description of what the outcomes mean for the student and the learning environment.
Develop intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior. 40% Does not develop intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior. Lists intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior, but lacks adequate detail. Develops intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior. Develops intervention procedures to implement in order to change the identified behavior, including specific examples and high-quality details.

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