Blueberry- Evaluate organizational strategy and why it was so important in the Blueberry case study?

Mini-case studies:

The students are expected to  answer the questions associated with the case. These questions are  intended to elicit thoughtful reactions to contemporary organizational  behavior initiatives and challenges. The students are expected to  carefully read the assignment instructions, then thoroughly and  explicitly address each component of the corresponding case study  questions.

The responses should reflect higher level cognitive processing  (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), which is essential for someone in  any industry, as diversity decisions affect all levels and stakeholders  within the organization and in the external marketplace.


Answer the case questions in a written APA paper form


1. Define organizational strategy and why it was so important in the Blueberry case study?

2. Discuss what type of organizational learning strategy Blueberry used?

3. Explain how Blueberry became a first mover to millennials in the digital market?

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