We will be analyzing and coaching leaders using the medium of film. Film cases are very useful in
understanding leadership because they provide concrete models of behavior for observation and
In this assignment, you will consider yourselves as leadership coaches. Your job involves
analyzing and diagnosing a leader to determine why he or she is effective or ineffective, and
making recommendations based on leadership concepts and theories to help the leader improve
In groups, you will present your film analysis. Each student is expected to watch the assigned film
and take proper notes so you can contribute to your team’s presentation. In each film case, you
should identify relevant (and multiple) leadership concepts/theories covered in the course and
apply them to the main leader in your film. You should discuss why you feel the leader is effective
or ineffective, ethical or unethical, and that discussion should tie in those relevant leadership
concepts. You may use film clips to illustrate your points. It is also recommended that you find a
short trailer of your film to serve as an overview for the class. Effective group presentations will
clearly show how the leadership concepts from the course “came alive” within the film case. You
should also encourage a lively discussion of the topics within the class, and in turn, the rest of the
class is expected to participate fully in these discussions.
You should conclude your presentation with a list of recommendations that are supported by
research findings. If you feel the leader is effective, you won’t make recommendations, but you will
apply theories that support WHY he or she is effective.
Good sources for scholarly articles are Leadership Quarterly, Leadership, Leadership and
Organization Development Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Journal,
Journal of Leadership Studies.
Guidelines: Each team will have no more than 20 minutes to present (make sure the clips you
show are brief and to the point as the time of the clips counts toward your time allotment), leaving
5 minutes for audience comments or questions at the conclusion of your presentation.