This assessment is designed to assist you to: Apply a range of tools and strategies to promote the achievements of sport organisations.


ASSESSMENT TOTAL: 50% of your total assessment.


DUE DATE: Friday 27th October, 2017


SUBMISSION: Through a Turnitin link to be set up on the LMS.


WORD LIMIT: Maximum 3,000 words (not including your Cover Page, Reference List or any appendices). Note: any report exceeding the maximum word count requirement will not be read and hence not be considered in the allocation of marks.


COVER PAGE FORMAT: a) Assignment title b) Tutorial day and time c) Your full name and student number d) Your chosen event e) An electronically read word count (please note: that this does not include the References and Appendix sections if used)


WRITTEN PRESENTATION: Font: Times New Roman or Calibri Size: 11 point Spacing: 1.5 line spacing


REFERENCING: Refer to the Presentation Criteria on p. 3 of these guidelines.


JUSTIIFICATIONS: Justifications are your opportunity to demonstrate the quality of the reasoning underpinning your media tools. As such, each justification is expected to be academically rigorous, whereby they are supported by references to the textbook, Nicholson et al. (2015). Justifications that are not supported in an academically rigorous way will be given a mark of zero. Note: your justification for each section should follow immediately after that section.




The following sections provide a structure for your Media Portfolio:


  1. Section 1 – Media Plan (8 marks). The media plan section will:


a). Provide one media plan [6 marks] that is appropriate for your chosen event and includes:

  • At least 2 x objectives for media management at your chosen event. These objectives must be S.M.A.R.T. (i.e. Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic & Time bound).
  • A matching list of 4 x media opportunities. Each of your 4 x media opportunities will be:
  1. Matched to appropriate media outlets
  2. Matched to an appropriate timeline.



b). Provide a brief written justification [2 marks, max. 150 words] that explains:

(i) why a media plan is needed to obtain media coverage, and;

(ii) what elements of your media plan make it a good one.

Your statement of justification might look something like this:

“Media plans are needed to obtain media coverage because… This is supported by… (author, year of publication, page number) who has argued that… My media plan is appropriate because…”


  1. Section 2 – Fact Sheet (8 marks). The fact sheet section will:


  1. Provide one fact sheet [5 marks] that:
  • Follows the 5 criteria for fact sheets discussed on pp. 191-192 of the Nicholson et al. (2015) textbook.
  • Is appropriate for your chosen event.


  1. Provide a brief written justification [3 marks, max. 150 words] that explains:

(i) why fact sheets are needed to obtain media coverage, and;

(ii) what elements of your fact sheet make it a good one.

Your statement of justification might look something like this: “Fact sheets are needed to obtain media coverage because… This is supported by… (author, year of publication, page number) who has argued that… My fact sheet is appropriate because…”


  1. Section 3 – Media Guide (8 marks). The media guide section will:


  1. Provide one Media Guide [5 marks] that is appropriate for appropriate for your chosen event.
  2. Provide a brief written justification [3 marks, max. 150 words] that explains

(i) why a media guide is needed to obtain media coverage, and;

(ii) what elements of your media guide make it a good one.

Your statement of justification might look something like this: “Media guides are needed to obtain media coverage because… This is supported by… (author, year of publication, page number) who has argued that… My media guide is appropriate because…”


Note: you are not being assessed on your capacity to copy and paste material from websites (anybody can do that). You need to demonstrate that you understand the structure of media guides, and the reasoning behind that structure.

Note: as media guides vary in length depending on their event and organizational context, no minimum word length is specified. However, at a minimum, you are expected to include:

  1. A cover page;
  2. A Table of Contents;


Note: as media guides can be long (sometimes running to more than a 100 pages), you are not expected to submit a document of such length. However, you are expected to indicate what the sections of your media guide would be – if published – by including a heading for each of them in the Table of Contents. For example:

  • Key contacts
  • Welcome letters from the Chief Executive or major sponsor
  • Background to the event (i.e. Melbourne Cup)
  • Player/team biographies
  • A Schedule of Events
  • Venue information
  • Competition rules or format, etc.


Note: you are also expected to complete one of the sections of your media guide indicated in your Table of Contents in detail. Which section you cover in-detail is your choice.


  1. Section 4 – Media Release (8 marks). The media release section will:


  1. Provide one media release [5 marks] that:
  • Follows the 10 criteria for media releases discussed on pp. 184-187 of the Nicholson et al. (2015) textbook.
  • Is appropriate for your chosen event.


  1. Provide a brief written justification [3 marks, max. 150 words] that explains

(i) why a media release is needed to obtain media coverage, and;

(ii) what elements of your media release make it a good one.

Your statement of justification might look something like this: “Media releases are needed to obtain media coverage because… This is supported by… (author, year of publication, page number) who has argued that… My media release is appropriate because…”


  1. Section 5 – Media Advisory (8 marks). The media advisory section will:


  1. Provide one media advisory [5 marks] that:
  • Follows the 5 criteria for media advisories (i.e. who/what/where/when/why) discussed on p. 193 of the Nicholson et al. (2015) textbook.
  • Is appropriate for a media opportunity for your chosen event.


  1. Provide a brief written justification [3 marks, max. 150 words] that explains

(i) why a media advisory is needed to obtain media coverage, and;

(ii) what elements of your media advisory make it a good one.

Your statement of justification might look something like this: “Media advisories are needed to obtain media coverage because… This is supported by… (author, year of publication, page number) who has argued that… My media advisory is appropriate because…”


PRESENTATION CRITERIA (10 MARKS): Your media portfolio will offer:


  1. a) Clear and concise writing.
  2. b) Intellectual honesty demonstrated by appropriate use of APA6 referencing/citation method:
  3. Consistent use of APA6 referencing method;
  4. Provide a properly formatted reference list for your references.


By submitting the assessment online, students take responsibility for the originality of their work and accept the penalties for academic misconduct.


In each justification, you must use an appropriate method for referencing all materials (e.g. books, journal articles, websites, etc.) that you refer to in this assessment (i.e. APA6).


It is expected that an in-text citation (e.g. Nicholson et al, 2015, p. 12) will be provided for all sport media concepts in the first instance you refer to them. Information on how to use APA6 can be found at:


The following website will also be useful:

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