MGT 301(Organizational Behavior)

Assignment-MGT 301(Organizational Behavior)

1st Semester-2017-18

Assignment Workload:

· This assignment is an individual assignment.

· The word count for this assignment must be between 2500 to 3000words.

Assignment Submission:

· There will be two submissions for this assignment as the following:

No. of Submission Due Date Point covered Marks
First Submission Week 7 Part 1&2/ 1200-1400 7
Second Submission Week 13 Part 3,4,5/1300-1600 8
Total words count 2500-3000
Instructor’s assessment based on the sincere effort on this assignment, and Participation in the followings:

· Class Participation

· Blackboard

· Discussion Board

· Wiki

· Blogs


Assignment Regulations:

· All students are encouraged to use their ownword.

· Student must apply Harvard Referencing Style within theirpaper essay.

· Student is allowed to cite 10% from the word limit (3000 word limit means 300 words can becited).

· A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying fromother resource without referencingit.

· The submission method will be throughBlackboard.


Paper (essay)

Topic: Motivation

Subtopic:Employee motivation related to employee performance in the organization

Study Program: Bachelor in Business Administration

Date: First Semester 2017

Write an essay about motivation taking into consideration the following points:

Part 1: Introduction (400 – 500 words) 3 Marks

· What is motivation and how its different forms arerelated.

· What is the importance of employee performance?

· How do the different forms of motivation influence employee performance?

Part 2: Employee Motivation (900 – 1000 words) 4 Marks

· The concept motivation

· Herzberg and Maslow

· Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

· The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Part 3: Employee Performance (400 – 500 words) 3 Marks

· Overall Performance in organizations

· Individual Job performance

· Measuring job performance (use job performance measuring tools)

Part 4: Employee Motivation and Performance (400 – 500 words) 2 Marks

· Motivating employees intrinsically to perform

· Motivating employees extrinsically to perform

Part 5: Conclusion (400 – 500 words) 3 Marks

· Conclusion

· Managerial implications


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