MGMT 2998 – Business Strategy TR3 and TR4
Winter 2018
Strategy and Business Models
PART 1 (1 to 2 pages) – You will select one business and identify their:
Mission Statement and Vision Statement (you must provide the source of information both as
APA style in text citation, and APA style Reference at the end of the assignment). [5 marks]
Business Model – Identify how the business makes money by defining 1) its value proposition
for the customers, and 2) profit formula including revenue generation model, cost structure, and
profit margin (you must provide the source of information both as APA style in text citation, and
APA style Reference at the end of the assignment). [5 marks]
Competitive Advantage – Identify the company’s competitive advantage compared to its
competitors (you must provide the source of information both as APA style in text citation, and
APA style Reference at the end of the assignment). [5 marks]
Strategy – What is the company’s strategy to setting it apart from its rivals and winning a
sustainable competitive advantage? (you must provide the source of information both as APA
style in text citation, and APA style Reference at the end of the assignment). [5 marks]
PART 2 (1 to 2 pages plus Appendix for P&L Statements) – Reflection [30 marks]
Reflect on the company’s mission statement, competitive advantage, business model, and strategy. Has
the company been successful in positioning itself in the market place and setting itself apart from the
competitors? Why?
You must identify one competitor for the company and provide P&L (Profit and Loss) statements for the
company you selected and its competitor as appendix to your report (you must provide the source of
information both as APA style in text citation, and APA style Reference at the end of the assignment).
Reflect on value proposition for the customers and how it is difference for the business and its
Reflect on cost structure and profit formula for the business and its competitor.
Reflect on competitive advantage for the company and its competitor.
Use P&L statements with focus on annual revenue, operating cost, and net profit for the business and its
competitor and reflect on their competitive advantage, strategy, and business model, and their impact
on the company’s P&L statement (e.g. revenue generation, operating cost, and profitability).
Please note that your analysis must be factual and based on evidence. You need to conduct research
on the business you selected, and its competitor and compare them based on the concepts you
learned in the course.
MGMT 2998 – Business Strategy TR3 and TR4
Winter 2018
You need to be clear what is fact (i.e. provide the source of information using APA style citation – both
“in text citation” and “Reference” at the end of the document) and what is your opinion (i.e. in our
view ……).
You need to have an Appendix section for P&L statement for the business that you selected and its
competitor. You need to cite your source for P&L statement.
Academic Honesty
Ensure you are aware of the College policies on Academic Honesty and also Plagiarism. Academic
dishonesty and plagiarism are taken very seriously at the College even if the dishonesty or plagiarism is
unintentional. Please also know that taking credit for work you did not contribute to as it is also
considered Academic Dishonesty and will be reported.
All assignments must have their research resources cited using the American Psychological Association
(APA) citation style. Failure to do so will result in an automatic grade of zero. For more information,
please visit our website at
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Turnitin is a web-based service that checks the
assignment against its database of materials that contain other learner’s work as well as electronic
academic materials.
Learners find the Turnitin report useful for editing papers. The report will include incorrect use of
referencing, too many quotes, and paraphrases. If the Turnitin report, for your first draft, shows a high
percentage of matching text, this will give you an opportunity to review and edit your assignment for
proper citations and more original analysis. Once you make your edits, it is possible to submit your work
to Turnitin again. Turnitin will know not to match the text in your second draft with text in your first
draft, and so on. It is advisable to wait at least 24 hours before you submit the second draft.
Faculty find Turnitin useful as a tool to teach learners proper citation practices and highlight the need
for more learner originality. Faculty can also use Turnitin as a tool to detect possible instances of
plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty can lead to a zero for this. Ensure you have read the Chiu School of Business
Learner Handbook for more information about the Academic Honesty Policy. If you have any questions,
contact your instructor.
Title Page: Provide a title page that includes, as a minimum, your name and student ID, the name of
the course, the name of the instructor, the name of the assignment, group number, the name of the
students in the group, and the date of submission of the report.
MGMT 2998 – Business Strategy TR3 and TR4
Winter 2018
Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12 point; Line Spacing: Single.
Correct grammar, spelling, and word usage are not covered as course topics. Their correct use is
expected in all assignments and evaluative activities, and marks will be deducted for errors.
Submission Instructions:
Submit all written assignments by uploading in the D2L course assignment dropbox before midnight
(MST) on the due date. File name must be in the format of ASSIGNMENT#_FirstLastName (e.g.
MGMT 2998 – Business Strategy TR3 and TR4 Winter 2018 -Strategy and Business Models
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