MGMT 2001 – Human Resource Management

MGMT 2001 – Human Resource Management–Revised 2016-17
Section III Interview, Selection, Communication and Onboarding Due: Week 8
Before beginning this and all project section activities review the General Written Section Guidelines
discussed above.
Week 7 Assignment – Complete as an individual assignment.
This project section will be completed individually and submitted to the ulearn course room link
provided by the instructor.
In order to increase efficiency in hiring and retention and to ensure consistency and compliance in the
recruitment and selection process, it is recommended the following steps be followed (also refer to Staff
Recruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist provided in the resources area). Details for each step include
the minimum recommended best practice to attract a talented and diverse applicant pool:
In section III you will develop a detailed Interview and Selection process. Again following the previous
criteria for development you are not creating this from scratch. You are to use existing examples from
which you will make modifications for the employment position chosen. Best practices for the unique
position is a general guideline you could use to outline your written response.
In this section you will define, discuss and apply each of the following topics;
1. Interview- define, discuss and apply
a. Provide criteria and rationale for selecting the final candidates selected for interviews.

b. How many interviews per candidate will be conducted and with whom. Provide a rationale
for this decision.
c. Construct ten pertinent (job-related) and legally defensible questions for each interview level.
d. Design an evaluation sheet for each interview level using a Likert scale. Provide criteria for
each designation on the Likert scale. Provide space for notes/comments.
2. Selection- define, discuss and apply

a. Based on your research and discussion of this topic, how the final selection will be made?
3. Communications- define, discuss and apply
Based on your researched examples and discussion of this topic;
MGMT 2001 – Human Resource Management–Revised 2016-17 MSamel
a. Provide a script of the email communications to candidates who are not selected.
b. Provide a script of the email communications to the candidate who is selected.
c. Provide a copy of the job-offer letter, and hiring information packet.
4. Onboarding- define, discuss and apply
Based on your researched examples and discussion of this topic;
a. Provide an appropriate and detailed onboarding plan for the position chosen.
b. In addition to the physical work environment and tools needed to perform the chosen
employment position; discuss using credible sources what other aspects of the
onboarding process must be present to ensure new employees are indoctrinated into the
organizations’ culture?
Section IV Performance Evaluation Due: Week 10
Before beginning this and all project section activities review the General Written Section Guidelines
discussed above.
This project section will be completed individually and submitted to the ulearn course room link
provided by the instructor
Week 9 Assignment – Complete as an individual discussion board assignment.
Performance evaluations are one of the most important communication tools an organization can use.
They need not be complicated; they just need to be done. Performance evaluations benefit both employee
and employer. It is a time to provide feedback, recognize quality performance and set expectations for
future job performance. It is also a time to have candid conversations about performance that is lacking
and how performance can be improved. Ongoing performance discussions can assist in avoiding serious
problems in the future (Laurenz, 2011).
Peggy Laurenz. “Why Evaluate? Performance Evaluations Are One of the Most Important
Communication Tools…” Central SD SHRM. Central SD SHRM, 16 Sept. 2011. Web. 26 Aug. 2016.
This assignment marks the last part of the course project.
In this section you are to author an original discussion post.
In the posting address the following topic discussion points;

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