McDonald’s Case Study

McDonald’s Case Study Guidelines –


Use the following outline for your paper. The length of this case study is not to exceed three pages (double spaced, font size = 12, font = Arial narrow). Your table and list of references are not included in the page limit.



Read the letter to the shareholders from the McDonald’s Annual Repor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.t.Preview the document Also read all the company and industry information you can find in Hoover and First Research (library databases).


For industry information, use the database First Research.




Analysis and evaluation – of McDonald’s


Create tables (revenue, COGS, net profit, ROE, D/E, and stock price) for both companies and include data from the last 5 years. Remember to look at COGS and Profit as a % of Rev. What are significant issues or disparities between McDonald’s and Yum? Using the financial data, perform a financial Strength and Weaknesses Analysis for McDonald’s. Remember to quantify changes you observe (% change) and name the time period.

What conclusions can we draw after reviewing the financial data?


After reading about this company and its industry, describe a major problem. Identify and explain the symptoms that point to the problem.


Pick one solution and explain your reasoning. What are the pros and cons for this alternative?

If you had $10k to invest, Would you buy McDonald’s or Yum? Explain.

Don’t plagiarize.




Each case will be evaluated based upon:


Clarity of writing




Insight – ‘a-ha!’ experiences, what did you discover?


Relevance – Why/How is this important.

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