Master Thesis Help- “Medical Device Regulations Comparison between European Union (EU) and United Arab Emirates (UAE)”

Master Thesis Help- “Medical Device Regulations Comparison between European Union (EU) and United Arab Emirates (UAE)”

The intended master thesis will be “Medical Device Regulations Comparison between European Union (EU) and United Arab Emirates (UAE)” and the aim of this disposition is to give an overview of the scope of work and plans related to complete it successfully. Hence, the first chapter describes the current background situation in both the EU and the UAE. Importantly, also identifies the problem which results out if it. The second chapter contains information about the applying methodology and informs how the research will be conducted. Further, to identify the problems that exists, a structured questionnaire will be used to collect data from Regulatory Affairs (RA) specialists and managers. Finally, chapter outline and time schedule close this disposition.

[Insert title]

Master Thesis for obtaining the academic degree

[Insert academic degree]

in the study programme [Insert name of the study programme]


submitted by

[Insert title, first name, surname]



[Insert name of the department]

at Danube University Krems



Advisor:    [Insert title, first name, surname]

Advisor:    [Insert title, first name, surname]



[Insert place and date]



I, [Insert title, first name, surname], born the [Insert date of birth] in [Insert place of birth] hereby declare,


  1. that I have written my Master Thesis myself, have not used other sources
    than the ones stated and moreover have not used any illegal tools or unfair


  1. that I have not used my Master Thesis as an exam paper in my domestic or any foreign country in any form to this date,


  1. that, in case my Master Thesis concerns my employer or any other external
    cooperation partner, I have fully informed them about title, form and content
    of the Master Thesis and have his/her permission to include the data and
    information in my written work.



The exclusion of utilization of the Masters Thesis may be applied for to the Director of Studies (the officer responsible for the administration and enforcement of study law). A maximum of 5 years can be applied for, based on substantiated grounds that the student’s legal or economic interests are endangered if it would be published immediately.


The approval document of the accepted exclusion of utilization must be included in the bound and electronic versions of the final Masters Thesis instead of this page.


The application should be made with enough time to allow processing and return of the official document from the Director of Studies (minimum 2 months).


[Insert acknowledgements / dedications, optionally]


[Insert text]



[Insert keywords]




[Insert table of contents]



Beginning of the text


Recommended structure:


  1. Introduction
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion


[Insert list of references]

TABLES (if applicable)

Number                                                                                                                        Page

[Insert list of tables]



FIGURES (if applicable)

Number                                                                                                                        Page

[Insert list of figures]



ABBREVIATIONS (if applicable)

[Insert list of abbreviations]



GlossarY (if applicable)

[Insert glossary]



Index (if applicable)


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