Using historical evidence that draws on class lectures, class discussions, and all assigned readings, write an essay incorporating the following questions:
Your answers should incorporate evidence from multiple course materials, including examples from assigned readings and information from your lecture and discussion notes.
Essays that rely on a narrow range of sources will not receive high marks.
Essays should be 3 pages double-spaced, employ correct grammar and sentence structure, and be free of typographical errors.
You need to cite your sources using footnotes and provide a bibliography. You will use Chicago Manual of Style.
The essay should be 12pt Times New Roman with 1-inch margins.
PLEASE use the following links to the paper as sources+ your sources and please read the attached document.
Effects of Consumerism
Web Link
Global Footprint Quiz
Web Link
Video: South African Mine Pollution
Web Link
Video: New York City Pollution
Web Link
Video: Mass Production and Advirtising
Web Link
Video: Cities of Smog