TRADE AND INVESTMENT- How trade and investment theory effects your business opportunity

Marketing Wal-Mart in China

Assignment 6

Complete and submit Section 2 of your term paper:


1. Business case for marketing a product or service in selected foreign country

· Description of country government/political system, laws and cultural idiosyncrasies that influence doing business in selected country (1 page)

· Rationale for economic integration of company’s product/service with selected country including country’s trade and investment opportunities

1. How trade and investment theory effects your business opportunity

· What business advantages does the country provide? (Employ at least one of the tools of trade theories such as division of labor, input-output analysis and economies of scale) (3-6 paragraphs)

· How will your new offering improve the welfare of the population in your selected country? (3-6 paragraphs)

C.  Strategic implications of your investment decisions for your new offering

· Create a direct foreign investment decision sequence for your new offering

· How do you rationalize your decisions in the sequence? (1-2 paragraphs)

· Will your new offering improve the welfare of the population in your selected country?  If so, how? (3-6 paragraphs)

· Is your company a “seeker” or “exploiter?”  (Justify your answer)  (1-2 paragraphs)


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